Chapter 11

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            "I need to talk to you," your mom says seriously. You sigh and look around for an empty room to talk in. You lead her into an office that had been turned into a storage area. Boxes and papers and files litter the room and old plaques hang on the walls. The musty smell of the room causes you to sniffle. Once you close the door you turn to face your mom.

            "Okay, what now?" you ask a little more rudely than you intended. At your tone of voice your mother becomes clearly irritated, but her voice remains neutral.

            "I don't think it's fair how you left me in that restaurant," your mom says crossing her arms.

            "Mom, I got called into work. I had to go. Do you think you're more important than the people we're trying to save?" you reply heatedly.

            "You know that's not what I'm talking about," your mom says still not raising her voice. "You were leaving before work called. I'm talking about Charlie."

            "Mom, I really don't want to talk about this right now. I need to get back to wo-"

            "We need to talk about this. You have to stop running away when people try to talk about a touchy subject," she says interrupting you. You had turned to leave, but her hand on your arm stopped you in your tracks.

            "I don't run away from conversations," you say indignantly.

            "Then why haven't you told Emily about Charlie. About the-"

            "Because, Mom, it hadn't come up yet! I was going to tell her. I wasn't hiding it! We had just-... I don't know. I try not to think about that part of my life, so I'm sorry if I didn't jump out and say it. And anyway this is none of your business. Who are you to tell me what I tell my girlfriend or not?" you say, your voice steadily rising.

            "She deserves to know, that's why!"

            "And I'm going to tell her!"

            "It didn't sound like it at dinner!"

            "Well I'm sorry I'm not sticking to your timeline!"

            "I just think, with everything that happened to you and her that it might be a good idea to reach out to Charlie. And Emily could help you with that."

            "I don't need her help. I don't need his help! And I don't need your help!" You scream this last part. "So could you please leave me alone while I'm at work!"

            Your chest is heaving as you watch your mom's face fall. She doesn't seem angry anymore, just sad. You're reminded of a conversation that ended like this a couple years ago when you refused to get help. Your mom seems to gather herself like she's regaining her composure.

            "Well if you need me, just call. I'll always be there for you," she says repeating what she said all those years ago. The memory causes tears to spring to your eyes. Your mom pushes past you and the door shuts quietly after her. Your standing in that room with a whirl of emotions battling inside of you. Suddenly you reach out and sweep a box full of files onto the ground. The files fly everywhere creating an even bigger mess than the untidy room had before. You feel like screaming. You feel crying. You feel like curling up into a little ball. And most of all, you feel like using again. Realizing this, all of your energy seems to evaporate into thin air.

            "Y/N," you hear a voice behind you say.

            "What?" you say venomously thinking your mom had come back.

            "The team was wondering what your thoughts were on the victims," Penelope says peeking into the room. "I can tell them you're still looking though-"

            "No, it's fine," you sigh and rub your eyes. "Let me see the file again."


A/N: Gosh this is short, I'm sorry. 

You and Her (Emily Prentiss x Fem.Reader) [ORIGINAL]Where stories live. Discover now