Chapter 10

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        Before driving too far you make sure to calm yourself down. You won't be able to drive if there are tears in your eyes blurring your vision. You take a couple deep breaths and pull yourself together. You can't believe your mom brought up Charlie without talking to you first. It makes you so angry! But you need to put that aside for now and get into the mindset of a BAU profiler.

        Soon you're pulling into the parking garage and stopping your car. You look in the mirror and wipe away any tears and try to straighten your hair. Emily pulls up to your right and parks next to you. You watch her slowly exit her car holding her side. You don't like seeing her in pain. You grab your crutches and manage to exit your car without needing any help. Emily walks over to you and gives you a quick hug before pulling back and putting her hands on your shoulders. She looks you in the eye searching your face.

        "Are you okay to work?" she asks, her voice tinted with concern.

        "Yeah," you reply and nod your head. You give her a small smile and she returns with one of her own. You both walk to the elevator and ride it up to the BAU's floor. When you enter the bullpen you see everyone already gathering in the briefing room. You both walk as fast as possible with your injuries into the room. Everyone glances in your direction and says their hellos. JJ watches you as you sit down, but you refuse to meet her gaze.

        Garcia hobbles into the room on her six inch heels holding an iPad and the TV remote.

        "Hello, my friends, so sorry to interrupt your weekends, but evil knows no bounds. Today you will be headed to Atlanta, Georgia where the bodies of three victims were found with their bodies covered in needles. That's not the only interesting yet horrifying thing about these victims. Each had about every popular drug in their systems: alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and meth," Garcia rambles on to the assembled team. Of-fucking-course this is case we take on today, you think to yourself. You quietly sigh and rub your forehead. You do see Emily glance at you in concern out of the corner of your eye. "Each victim was killed two days apart, with the last victim being killed last night."

        "Which gives us less than a day and a half before someone else is killed. Wheels up in ten," says Hotch standing up. He turns his attention to you and Emily specifically. "Emily you can accompany us on the case, but no direct field work. Y/N you'll have to stay here." You and Emily both nod at Hotch before he walks away. When JJ walks by she touches your shoulder hoping to make you feel better. You give her a small smile and she walks away. Once the rest of the team leaves, Emily turns to you.

        "You sure you'll be okay?" Emily asks.

        "I'll be fine. Go kick some ass in Georgia," you lean forward and give her a quick kiss balancing yourself against her arm. You separate and she gives you a small wave. You watch her gather her things and leave with the rest of the team.

        You slowly make your way to Penelope's lair. You knock on the door before slowly pushing it open. Upon seeing you, Penelope practically jumps out of her chair and rushes over trying to help you, but not actually finding a way to help you.

        "Hey, Sweet cheeks, how's that foot feeling?" Garcia asks kindly.

        "Oh it's all good, Pen, thanks for asking," you say sitting in a spare chair. Penelope notices your soft tone of voice.

        "How's that brain feeling?" she asks moving to sit in her own chair. You sigh at her question.

        "You know, to be honest, not the best at the moment, but I'm okay," you say hoping she won't ask anymore questions.

        "Is it because of...Elle?" she asks quietly like she's afraid to say her name.

        "I mean...yes and no," you say trying to sift through all your scattered emotions. "It's just complicated, especially now that my mom decided to visit."

        "Oh no, does she not approve of you and Emily?" Garcia asks about to get angry for you.

        "What? Oh. No, it's nothing like that, it's just..." you trail off, but before you can complete your thought the team calls Garcia to video chat with them on the jet.

        "Hold that thought," she says turning to her computer. She accepts the call. "How's the weather on the tarmac today? Anyway here's the deets. Victim number one is a Max Gibson. He has no criminal record and not very many friends. Second is Joseph Richardson. He was caught trying to sell some heroin and was a known user. Third is Sophie Cooke. She was homeless and apparently a known meth user."

        "Did Gibson have some kind of drug addiction, Garcia?" Derek's voice crackles through the speaker.

        "Not one that is apparent or that he got caught for, but I will keep digging and uncover any dirty secret he might have," Garcia replies.

        "It's a pretty hard thing to hide. You probably won't have to search far," you say without thinking. Emily leans forward and you see her worried expression on the camera. The rest of the team continues talking oblivious to the weight and experience that your statement held. You turn your attention to the available crime scene photos. The victims are lying on the ground with their hands on their chest. There's minimal blood, but hundreds of needles poke out of their skin fully covering any visible skin. You avoided looking at the needles stuck in their eyes. You close the file shut not able to look at it anymore.

        "Hey, Pen, I'm going to the bathroom," you say standing up. Garcia nods but doesn't look away from her computer screen.

        "Alright, don't fall in," she giggles at her own joke causing you to smile. As you head to the bathroom you see an unexpected face  exit the elevator. Your mom is being accompanied by another agent.

        "Mom?" you call out to her in confusion. Upon seeing her your anger resurfaces, but you don't allow it to show. Okay, maybe a little resentment shined through. You make your way over to your mom. The agent seeing as she's with you steps away to go continue other work.

        "Can I talk to you?" she asks.

A/N: Heyo! Sorry this one is shorter and took a while to come out. I've been busy lately. Let me know what you think! See you soon!

You and Her (Emily Prentiss x Fem.Reader) [ORIGINAL]Where stories live. Discover now