Cigars and Coffee

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It has been three months since Tony took her virginity, he would make excuses and made sure no one would follow him while he saw her and hang out with his girlfriend now. He didn't fear her, he feared her getting killed off by something bigger. He would stop by almost every night to make sure she was okay with everything, he lied to mostly everyone but Steve since he was her best friend more than Bucky's. She was lounging on the couch while someone bardged in which made her head turn to the direction of the door while a guy in a hoodie came in. He was buff and his shoulders were hanging low, he walked over to her taking off his hoodie. It was Steve she frowned and got up right away running to him giving him a hug. "Tony told me everything, I'm so sorry he shouldn't have done that to you." He hugged her back tightly "Did anyone follow you here?" She asked pulling away with a cute smile "I don't think so, why are you here and not there?" He asked not caring about the door now. Another figure came in a few minutes later it was Tony with more food and clothes from her room. "Hey babe I'm oh hey Steve, I got your stuff from your room all of it this time thank God too." He sighed and put down the box and went over to her kissing her forehead "Hey baby." She giggles softly rubbing his cheek softly "So you and Tony huh?" Steve smiled not feeling jealous since he had a huge crush on her since forever ago. "Yeah it just happened you know." She giggled lowly and smiled "I just wanted to see you really since I thought you died on me now." He had a fearful look in his eyes. "Steven I'm not dead okay, I'm good really good." She smiled and nodded her head, Tony was putting away her clothes in her room where she felt more safe than most here. "There is many reasons why I'm not there Steve okay I can't just watch I need to just stay away for now if I do stay there I might cause chaos really." She sighed and closed her eyes from not crying "Hey there is no crying okay it's been three days only what could possibly happen?" Tony wrapped his arms around her torso kissing her jawline which he loved about her. "I love you." He whispered in her ear making her cover her mouth while she turned to look at him "I love you too Tony." She smiled at him Steve sighed and looked away for a second "Look Janie everyone misses you and Nats been asking about you like crazy and Tony won't spill I promised not to tell ever since I love you to much to hurt you." He kisses her head and smiled at Tony with a nod "We will protect you okay." They both said to her which made her cry on both of them hugging them right away. A dark figure came in after Tony it was Clint looking around for a second as not noticing them since Becky had a special abilities to make anyone invisible with her. She told them to be quiet. "Guys no one is here, all of Becky's things is here but she's not here I'm sorry Wanda it's not the one we are looking for this isn't the safe house where we tracked Tony's phone." He spoke through the headpiece "She has to be there if Tony is going there every night." Wanda sniffled knowing she lost her best friend. "Hold on baby you got this." Tony whispered to them both. "It hurts baby so much." She couldn't hold onto this much longer, she watched Clint leave with the door closing as the curtains were covering the windows. She sank to her knees breathing heavily, both Tony and Steve looked at each other and made sure she was safe still. "He found my shit in the room!" She spoke looking at them both "We have to move again baby to a better location, I'm sorry this happened." Tony knelt down to her eye level kissing her lips softly not caring if Steve was there. "No I don't want too I want it here please." She was being a brat now knowing what would happen when Steve left them alone. "Becks, listen to Tony okay it's for the best we are compromised we have been found and Tony phone now." He held out his hand "But I just updated it." He pouted softly as he handed his phone to Steve who broke it in half. "Come on Janie, we need to move now, my car is parked near a store." He spoke getting all her clothes folding it fast and grabbing her backpack along with her books that was left on the coffee table. "I don't want to leave Steve please I feel safe here." She spoke on the brink of tears again "Steve just stop, she doesn't want to move again it's hard on her already." Tony told him to leave them alone for her to rest since she was exhausted already. "Fine I'll be back though okay." He looked at them both where Becky's mood became better than before while got up and giggled lowly and smirked taking off her shirt exposing her body to Tony while he lunges for her and picks her up into his arms kissing her passionately while he took her to the bed taking off her panties that was on. He looked at her for permission, Becky ran a hand through his hair tugging it slowly to her pussy lips wanting him so much. "You do know for being a brat I have to punish you right?" He smirked and kisses her belly instead leaving small hickeys on her skin. "I know that's why I was daddy." Her breath hitched at the feeling he gave her. "Just come back with me please you have me anyway all you want." He wanted her back home with him "I'll think about it okay." She nodded her head not feeling in the mood now but didn't care she wanted to just be held by him. "Is it true?" She asked and ran her hands through his hair playing with it softly being super gentle with her left hand. "Is what is true?" He looked at her and smiled brightly. "Is it true that you love me?" She asked sighing softly begging to know a simple answer. "No I'm in love with you that's a better question." He took off his shirt and laid on the bed next to her, she turned to face him while she was on her belly. His hands all over her shoulder rubbing it slowly. "Did you even hear me I'm in love with you." He leaned into her lips while he spoke that. "I did I'm processing that's all and I love you too so much." She sniffled now knowing what it was like to be properly loved like this. "You do know I have to go soon right?" He didn't want to break it off so soon but he had to go back to the tower. She leaned into him and kissed him passionately and didn't care if anyone was watching or not. "I love you baby." He spoke leaving her there naked in bed "I love you too baby." She smirked and sighed happily while she relaxed when she heard the door close along with hearing the lock which was on the inside of the safe house. She watched him turn the corner and into an alley where she store her bike but she didn't tell him that. Hours flew by fast and it was 2 A.M, she got up from her spot made sure she had a key if she wanted to come back. She was already dressed in bike gear, her heart was beating faster than most. She got out of the house looked around saw a shady figure while she locked the door behind her then started to walk feeling a bit off but knew it was nothing. She turned into an alley where the shady person followed her with a gun loaded at her head now, her heart raced even more now. "Give me your money!" He shouted at her making her flinch in fear, her hands gloved and shaked slightly, while she gave the thief her wallet from her pocket, he grabbed the money and shot her in the back, she was facing down on the floor pretending to be dead till he tossed the gun at her head and ran away. The gun hitting her on the head and she was out for a couple of hours bleeding out on the floor. She woke up rubbed her head and winced softly holding her belly where the bullet was still. She still had her keys at least she got on her bike and went to the tower she stumbled to the doors opening it softly. She huffed softly into the tower going to the elevator immediately going to the very top where everyone was situated and staying in. They all heard the elevators door. The team looked at the elevator gear in tacked Steve having his shield Tony having his blasters ready for who it could of been. She stepped out holding her belly her face bloody as she held up her hands looking staright at Tony her eyes brimed with tears, he ran over to her in time while she fainted right into his arms. "Baby." He whispered rubbing her cheek softly sniffling knowing she might not make it not even under her condition. "Bruce let's take her to the lab." He spoke while everyone looked at her seeing how Tony was with her but didn't care now. They saw the hickeys Becky left on his neck. "What do you think happened?" Wanda ran in and saw Becky on the floor while she held her mouth going over to Bucky who rubbed her back. "I caused that I'm a monster." She sobbed onto Bucky knowing she might lose her best friend "You won't lose her babe I promise." He spoke softly kissing her forehead "Make room please she's badly injured." Steve then carried her limp body up to the labs where they did surgery on her and found out something even more strange she wasn't tubbed tied. Tony ran a hand through her hair softly knowing what it was right away. She knew too and didn't care if she was or not. She was in a coma for a couple of months after surgery her belly slowly showing a small tiny bump, while Tony didn't leave her side holding her belly sniffling. "Please come back to me baby please." He held her hand which was cold, she knew now for a fact she was pregnant with Tony's baby. She felt it inside her growing slowly the food they gave her felt more than good to supply her. "Tony who do you think is the dad?" Bruce wondered softly "She's been gone for months off the grid and now she comes back here and pregnant." He spoke softly while Tony shed a few tears not caring who it was but cared only to care for her. "I don't know." He lied well not caring if he could tell or not. "We can take a DNA test if you want do you think that's what she wants?" Bruce asked Tony placing a soft hand on his shoulder leaving the room for them to have some privacy and to talk alone. "Babydoll I love you please come back to me." He spoke into her ear knowing she could hear him "Bratty baby." He smirked knowing it might wake her up but it didn't work which made him mad while he got up and left the room. She was already awake for a while now but she wanted to play a role strong, she opened her eyes looked at her belly softly and grabbed a drink from the desk that was next to her while she took a soft drink and went back to sleeping. Calming her heart rate faster than most people's. Bucky came in and sighed softly knowing this was all a joke and looked at her belly that was growing. "Janie I swear to God, I know you are awake I taught you the damn ropes, I'm going to kill whoever got you pregnant I swear to God." He spoke through gritted teeth while Wanda came in after him her expression solidly blank and broken. "Hey Becky it's Wanda here." She spoke softly not trying to cry but she touched her belly "I'm happy you found someone too." She got up and left crying while Bucky was outside the door waiting for her while he hugged her softly. Becky's astrobody glided through the compound to where Tony was while she smiled and rubbed his back softly knowing what he did to her was a mistake. "I love you too Daddy." She spoke softly and stayed in her astrobody for a while longer, she watched over her twin who didn't know she was there to only watching them along with their every move. "I just know Wanda okay she's not pregnant someone raped her." He breathed out "Bucky baby, she's clearly fine." She gestured to my room "She's back at least isn't that what you wanted?" She asked and held his chest hard "It is what I want so I know who is just all over my baby sister." He looked at Wanda calming down.

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