Rain In Coffee

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Viewer discretion adviced may contain smut.
Days past while Tony and Janie/ Jasmine have been together. She didn't mind staying a toddler for a while but eventually she had to come back. "Bubba, should I turn back to my own body or do you want me to stay, this way for a little longer?" She asked while she was sitting on top of Tony's chest playing with his beard. "That's up to you baby." He held her tiny legs and kissed her lips softly not really caring. "I don't want Wanda seeing me like that but Jasmine is a nice name really." She giggles and loved her code name "Then stay Jasmine for a while longer till you can't hold on okay." He held her cheek softly with a smile. "And this is why I love you so much." She kissed him passionately then slowly got off him getting comfortable and cuddled into him. There was a knock on the door which made Jasmine look over at the door, she rolled off the bed going for the door to see her brother looking down at her, while she held up her arms to him. "Hope you don't mind me sleeping with you both tonight?" He spoke with a smile and got played with, Janie looked at Tony for approval while he patted the bed for Bucky to stay with them. Bucky closed the door behind him and held onto Janie who hugged her brother. "Did she say how long she wanted to stay this way or is it because of Wanda?" He asked Tony going on the bed and placed her in between them "She doesn't want Wanda seeing her really but when she is tried of this form she will turn back." Tony made sure her hair wasn't in her face while she laid on her back in between the two people she loved so much. "God she's beautiful when she sleeps." Tony fell more in love with her than before. "She's the best ever I'm happy she has you Tony really I am, along with Kyler too, I'm not mad I am an overprotective brother that's all." Bucky rubbed her back not knowing where her sweet spot was. "Care to show me where her sweet spot is or do I have to find it myself?" He asked laughing softly at how she can just get horny from a touch on the back itself. "Yeah." He moved Bucky's hand to there the sweet spot was and gained a moan from the sleeping Janie. "Delicate is her thing, she's a very kinky girl really, she likes to mark a lot." Tony rubbed her back for Bucky which caused her to move into Tony's arm immediately got a bite from her hard. "Hey!" He held his arm softly "I think you should just let her rest Tony, seems she doesn't like that too." Bucky gave him a look while Tony rubbed his arm. "Kinky fuck." He didn't mean to curse but the bite hurt that much. Bucky slapped his arm while he laughed at how his sister was with Tony. "No cursing in front of a child." He laughed softly and laid on his back his bare chest exposed since he came in without a shirt on. "I'm sorry." Tony laid back protecting his baby from harm while sleep took over both Bucky and Tony. "Goodnight boys." Janie spoke softly falling asleep while she going out of her body and into the Astro world in her normal form while she giggles lowly at how cute they were together. She flew over to Wanda's room to see how she was doing. Then she left after a second, she sat on the kitchen table wanting to eat since she was hungry. She went back to her body, she rubbed her eyes and looked at both Bucky and Tony who were sleeping away while she got off the bed walking over to the door glancing over at Bucky and Tony trying not to wake them up. While she slipped out of the room and to the kitchen where Clint was on the couch watching TV and noticed her running. "Jassy what's wrong baby." He got up from the couch and looked over at her "I hungry." She held up her arms to him while he picked her up placed her on the island table. "You want half a Peanutbutter and jelly sandwich huh?" He was hungry too in fact now, she nodded her head lightly giggling into her hand loving how he is playing along with the game she is playing. "Please thank you Cwint." She made herself have a speech impediment while Steve came in and sat down next to her "Hey it's your uncle Steve." He giggles at how cute she was even as a toddler "I honestly don't understand this Janie, you leave and then come back fake being in a coma for a few months, get the miscarriage then leave again and come back, is everything okay?" He asked knowing who this cute toddler really is. "Steve everything is fine, I just don't want Wanda to see me that's all." She spoke without the impediment and smiled while Clint gave her the half of the PB and J. "Thanks so much I'm starving." She ate it till it was all done. "Now do you want a glass of hot milk to help you sleep better but you'll either just be bored and watch Tony and Bucky sleep again like last time." Clint asked Janie with a smile "Wait Bucky is in the same room as Tony?" Steve smiled at his boys just sleeping platonically. "Yeah he's been coming in when Wanda has been sleeping she hogs the bed." Janie spoke and giggles softly "Bucky is a very cute sleeper." He laughs lowly "I know he's my twin, did I tell you he stabbed me?" She chuckles lowly not getting an answer from Clint and Steve "What where and when?" They both asked intrigued by what she was talking about. "It was a couple of days ago, the time I came in as a toddler really." She nodded her head soft "I healed myself." She rubbed her heart softly where the knife got impacted "I'm not gonna kill him I swear." Clint swore to Janie. "Wait you asked me for hot milk and yeah I do please." She nodded her head which was already made and was in the microwave before she even said yes. "I got you baby, don't worry." He nodded his head taking out the warm milk from the microwave and handing it to her "Blow on it, it can be hot okay." He rubbed her cheek softly kisses her forehead. Bucky and Tony came out yelling at each other while they looked at Steve, Janie then to Clint. "See what I told you she's okay." Bucky slapped Tony's arm softly walking over to his sister and picking her up taking the mug with him. "Come on Jassy it's time for bed." Bucky was a bit overprotective of her still. "No I want to say bye first." She held out her hands to both Clint and Steve who got up and went over to her kissing her hands. "Bye guys have a good sleep and night." She giggles lowly and held their faces lightly. The elevator doors opened and Thor walked in looked at Steve and Clint being all cute to Janie. "Well this is awkward." Tony rubbed Janie's back earning a soft baby yawn while she burried her head into Bucky's chest sleep taking ahold of her. "That's a toddler." Thor pointed to Janie who was sleeping peacefully. "She's mine back off." Tony held Bucky who was holding her. "She's also mine too." Bucky looked at Thor who just came back from a long mission in outer space. "Did you adopt her and sharing custody of her?" Thor asked softly "Yes." Both Tony and Bucky talked at the same time. "She's a cutie and a keeper like her dad's." Thor rubbed her cheek softly getting a hand to his finger "We should get her to bed, thank you Clint and Steve for looking after her." Tony smiled at both the boys. "It's not a problem, love to help as much." Clint nodded while Steve did the same. "Goodnight guys." Tony walked into his room leaving the door open for Bucky to walk in after him which he did and closed the door after him getting on the bed immediately placing Janie down slowly while he looked over at Tony with a soft smile laying down on the bed. "Goodnight Tony." Bucky spoke softly sleep taking over him, Tony went to his side of the bed and laid back while Janie scooted over to Tony hugging his side. He turned to her and held her into his chest cradling her to safely. "Night Wolf." He smirked knowing he wouldn't get an answer back but knew he was heard while he too fell back asleep. The next morning came quickly the sun bleamed through the curtains of the room. Janie yawned and looked over at Tony getting on top of him and sitting on his chest to watch him sleep while he woke up with a smile and looked over at Bucky who was gone from the bed. "How does a bath sound princess?" He asked kissing her nose while she had bed hair and looked even cuter than the day before. Bucky jolted up from the ground while he looked over at Janie and giggles lowly. "Morning cutie pie." He had a morning voice and smiled getting on the bed. "What happened you fell off the bed and didn't care?" Tony asked with a soft snicker looking at his hair anyway "Yeah I did and I'm better than yesterday thank you for asking too." He stretched his arms over his head getting a yawn out. "Bath sounds great." Janie giggles touching Tony's cheek and kissed him softly while Tony kissed back. "Not doing it so you have too." Bucky got up and left the room for them to have some privacy alone now. "Did you think he wasn't going to leave?" Tony tickled her and sat up kissing her while she turned back to her normal self while she was still on top of Tony. "You know I love you to much." She said in between kisses and held his cheek getting up from the bed going to the shower turning on the water while she took off her shirt and panties looking at Tony who walked over to her seeing the scars on her arms fading more each day. "I love you so much more." Tony rubbed the sweet spot on her back getting a soft moan from her which made him smile while he touched her every inch of her body. Her hands leading his hands to her body while he was pressed against her kissing her neck softly. "All mine now." He kissed her earlobe biting it softly. "Tony, the bath." She giggles lowly loving his hands on her delicate body. "Nah it can wait I want you first." He already had a boner which was on her back pressed, she turned to face him, his shirt not even on but only his boxers, her breathe heavy while she was already horny. "Eat me." She sat down on the edge of the tub looking at him with a small smirk. "Really?" He smirked touching her pussy softly feeling how wet she was for him. "Bath now." He took off his boxers and got into the tub while she looked at him being hard as ever for her only. "You missed me that badly huh, daddy." She touched his cock with a smirk while she kissed him while she got into the tub with him. She was still stroking him hard getting soft grunts. She turned off the water and turned her back and leaned back into his touch more. He just held her closely to his chest touching her pussy every now and then teasing her hard to a point she had enough and turned to him getting on top of him, she looked at his cock while it slowly entered her which made her moan out while his hand covered her mouth to surpresses it from anyone to hear while he thrusted into her hard getting a soft yelp from his hand on her mouth. "Don't want anyone to hear doll shhh." He kisses her to surpress it more while he pounded into her now. Her walls flowed through his cock not getting much more than her head leaning back while she covered her mouth from moaning out in so much pleasure while he released his load into her after her which made her look at him with so much lust. "That's all mine, you hear." He kisses her chest leaving a soft hickey all over her body but not her neck. "I'm all yours baby." She moaned out softly while she looked at him. He slowly pulled out of her washing his body with the tub they were in. "Beautiful baby." He spoke softly kissing her lips softly "Thank you daddy." She sighed softly into the kiss he gave her. "Breakfast?" He asked getting out of the tub grabbing a towel with a smirk while she watched him get out first going to his drawers getting some boxers, pants and a nice shirt, she loved on him. She dried her body with a soft sigh of happiness she stopped in her track to take a good look at her body in the mirror seeing her scars while she ran her fingers over them sniffling lightly at the memories she got from them all. She softly turned back into a toddler while she walked out of the bathroom with a smile looking up at him. He grabbed her some tiny panties, he has for her along with a cute dress and held it out for her to approve while she giggles and nodded her head and placed it on herself and fixed her tiny dress then looked at him while he picked her up into his arms kissing her cheek. "I love you babygirl." He opened the door to see the team sitting down at the round table eating and just talking where Steve got up immediately and walked over to Janie and Tony, she held out her arms to Steve who got her from Tony's arms, she gave him a huge hug while Tony took Steve's chair and started to eat breakfast. Steve went over to the toddlers chair where it was separate from the teams while he already made her food and just watched over her eat. "Hey there Jasmine." Wanda walked over to her trying to see if she would talk to her but she didn't. "Don't worry she'll warm up to you I promise." Steve smiled at her with a soft nod. "She clearly doesn't have anything on her mind really I'm trying to read her but it's like she's blocking me out of her mind." She spoke softly her eyes stopped glowing red while Jasmines eyes glowed purple for a second knowing what she was thinking of. "Janie says hi." Jasmine finally gave in and up on her own instincts "What was that doll?" She asked with a frown "Mamma says hi." She spoke again while eating her food in peace. "What does she mean by mama?" Wanda asked Steve softly sitting in front of her "I don't know really." Steve shrugged and looked over at Wanda. "Mamma is out of the state on a mission but she will be back I think." Jasmine grabbed her sippy cup and taking a large drink of juice. Tony finished his breakfast and got up to see how she was doing. "How's my babygirl doing?" He asked wiping her face from crumps with a large smile on his face "Bubba, I am good full and ready for the day of play maybe or can I watch you work?" She had puppy eyes now and looked at Steve then to Wanda. "Tony she said that her mamma was on a mission is that true?" Wanda spoke while Jasmine winked at Tony to just go with it. "Yeah she is on a mission it's out of state." He nodded with a soft smile slowly picking up Jasmine to hold her more. "How did Janie find Jasmine?" Wanda wondered trying to get into Tony's head while Jasmine hid her face her eyes glowing purple again to block her out of his head now. "I am not sure she walked up to me saying that her mom was Janie and that she was adopted by her but me and Bucky are her guardians, Bucky is the godfather really and Natasha is her godmother." He spoke giving a kiss to Jasmine on her cheek. Steve fixed her bowl of finsihed food and grabbed her sippy cup cleaning the table she was on. "That's nice can you send her a message for me to her?" Wanda asked with a smile rubbing Jasmine's back lightly. "Sure I can relay a message to her." Tony nodded his head and lightly pushed Jasmine's head down on his shoulder while rubbing her back which soothed her right away along with a soft burp. "Can you just tell her that I miss her please." She spoke softly with a smile. "I can give her the message when I go to the lab." He nodded taking Jasmine with him and smiled at the team.

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