Rain in Sex

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Tony walked over to the lab and placed Jasmine on the chair while he sighed softly. "Is this hard for you?" He asked her rubbing her cheek softly while Bruce and Clint walked in together talking as they started to work and check the vitals on Kyler. "Not that I know of Bubba." Jasmine spoke softly kissing his hand while getting a cute look from Clint and Bruce. "She's gonna find out sooner or later." Bruce fed Kyler some vitamins and food from a tube. "She tried to get into my head and Tony's really to find out about something but I blocked her with my sorcerer skills I got from Strange and Wang, they helped a lot okay." She got up going into the corner taking off her clothes and turning back to her normal self while she found some of her old clothes and put them on while the boys turned but not Tony who smirked at her. "I'm tired as it is." She spoke sitting on the chair putting on her socks and then her shoes. "I just don't want to see her that's all after what she did to me no thank you." She flatten her shirt while the boys looked at each other and chuckled lowly. "Your fly is down." Clint pointed out and nodded listening to her while she grabbed a hoodie that was Tony's. "That's where that was I was looking for it, for the longest time ever." Tony smiles while he softened "It also looks better on you than me too." He nodded his head "Can't be seen you know." She laughs lowly and looked over at Kyler then to Tony and hugged him softly. "I don't know why but I always seem to just miss your hugs." She got a hug back with a soft back rub. "Not the sweet spot please." She begged him not to touch her there. "As you wish my love." She held out the necklace he gave her to place on her while she moved her hair and got it on her neck. "It's beautiful on you babygirl." He kissed her quickly and passionately. Bruce and Clint talked about something they were watching together just going abck and forth about what was brought out the most to them both. Bucky came in to see his sister while he walked over to her and hugged her bigly and wholeheartedly. "Are you going to stay like this for now or are you tired of the power you are using?" He asked getting a handshake out of Tony who sore not to hurt her or him too. "Uh yeah for now I am staying like this." Janie nodded her head "Thank god I'm tired of going into Tony's room to just make sure you are okay." He rubbed her cheek seeing a crum that Tony accidentally left. "Thank you." She looked in the mirror fixing her hair into a high bun where she totally forgot her tattoo was not visible to all of them. "Janie when did you get a tattoo?" Bucky ran his fingertips over the date knowing what the date was. "I got three months ago I forgot I had it." She chuckles lowly "I hope you don't mind it really I want to remember then that's all." She smiles at him getting another hug which she returned happily. Wanda walked by seeing Bucky hug a girl she couldn't recognize and walked into the lab to see who it was while Janie changed her looks to not look like herself now. "Hey I don't think I have met you." She held out her hand to Janie who took it hard and shook her hand "Andrea." She lied again about her name while she winked at Tony, Clint, and Bruce who hid Kyler away fast. "You must be Wanda Maximoff the girlfriend to this beauty." She looked up and down Bucky while her necklace was covered. "Yeah I am and I don't like the way you look at him." She spoke softly "I will look at him the way I want too sorry and I'm already taken." She chuckles softly taking back her hand. "I don't see him anywhere really." Wanda didn't want to start a fight in front of the boys but calmed down. "Oh you will sooner or later." Andrea smirked and eyes Bucky's arm lightly biting her lip then looked over at Tony who was engrossed in his coding work. "I also don't like how you hugged my boyfriend too." Wanda got her attention right away her eyes glowing purple for a brief second. "Trying to get into my mind isn't going to work dollface." She shook her head lightly. "I'm not trying too I just want to know what is your intentions with my boyfriend?" Wanda asked her pointing a finger at her now "Nothing really." Andrea shrugged lightly not liking how someone is trying to steal her man from her. Bucky still in the middle of them ready to block Andrea from Wanda. "Andy don't just stop already." He spoke lightly wanting Wanda to leave but didn't say anything his mind was totally blocked from her. "Fine, not even worth my time." She scoffed and pulled away from Bucky who looked over at Wanda. "Who do you think you are?!" Wanda's hand glowed red trying to really get into her head now. "You really can't tell me you don't miss me, clearly you don't care if you did you wouldn't be with him than me only and you chose him over me." Janie thought softly not wanting to talk or be heard by anyone. "You don't want to know doll." Andrea turned her head to Tony working while she walked over to him and smiled while Tony was listening to the whole conversation while he signed to her in ASL to just figure out what was really wrong. She signed back and looked over at Wanda while she rolled her eyes. "You haven't seen the last of me yet, missy." Wanda warned her walking away from the lab. She changed her face back to her normal self while Bucky laughed and high fived her. "That didn't go as planned now was it Andrea?" He joked about her other name while he shook his head giving her cheek a quick kiss. "Don't push it Barnes." Tony looked over at him getting overprotective of her as it was. "Sorry I'll refrain from kissing my own sister's cheek." He held up his hand "Also since when did you learn ASL too?" He asked lightly just wanting to know "I taught him since I don't like talking sometimes." Janie spoke with a smirk while she kissed Tony's cheek. "Thank God my necklace was not visible to her eyes." She sighed and looked over at Kyler to make sure he was okay while she held his tiny finger while Bucky followed her looking over her shoulder to see her baby boy. "Kyler Howard Stark." He shook his head with a smile. "You are a great mom Janie it suits you really, and I mean it okay." He rubbed her shoulders gaining a soft wince from her now. "What was that?" He asked lightly wondering what happened. "It's nothing really." She shrugged the pain of her shoulders sighing softly. "No tell me." He asked again giving her a look. "It's fresh okay." She took off her shirt leaving her shirt over her chest to show him her tattoos that were still red. "Woah, that's beautiful." He looked at it while the other three did too to see her entire back was laced with wings sayings quote in Romanian for both Bucky and her to only know what means. "Woah that's even sexier than I thought, I didn't see that when were taking a shower why did it come out now?" Tony touched her back lightly while she winced in pain. "The thing is with the new powers I have I get a new one everytime." She sighed bit her lip softly from the pain. "Wait that's also a perk then of your powers." Bucky lowered her shirt for her while he rubbed her shoulders softly getting a wince again. "Sorry." He held back his hands from her now Tony looked over at her and kisses her forehead. "You okay after that talk with Wanda?" He asked with a light smile "Frok what I heard you can pull a bunch anyday and I wouldn't even be mad because look at him he's a hot man." He was giving him a huge compliment which Bucky in return didn't mind at all and took the compliment very well trying to hid his ever so growing blush. "Geez that makes me even better." He high fived him getting a soft laugh out of Tony. "He's not wrong bro you are pretty hot, to be a brotber and a twin too." She agreed with him "Oh not you too." He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his left hand. While Wanda was walking back she came in again while Janie changed faster than the sound of light. "Still can't keep your hands off can you?" She asked while Bruce and Clint were talking about sports and made sure Kyler was good in the incubator they were guarding. "What does that suppose to mean I can't do this?" She touched Bucky's cheek softly getting a smirk on trying to play harder now "Oh come you can do better than my man, anyone but him." Wanda pointed out while Tony held her back from a fight "Andy don't start what you can finish." He signed to her, which Wanda didn't understand one bit of what he just said to Andrea. "Oh really?" She signed back looking at Tony for a second then back at Bucky who was trying so hard not to snicker. "I can't hold on very longer it takes a damn toll on me and you know the problem that I already have Ton Ton." She signed rather bigly now. "Fine." He signed back while he didn't push her buttons no longer. "What just happened?" Wanda frowned taking it in a whift of Janie's scent from her nose knowing she was here but left. "Where is she?!" She yelled at Andrea "Who now are you talking about?" Andrea asked her softly in a calm voice "Janie I know she was here where is she?!" Wanda's eyes glowed red while she got blocked out from the rest of the boys since it was Janie who was protecting them from her. "She left a few minutes ago, calm down Wanda." Clint held up his hands to her know her he's not harming her at all "I know ASL too." Clint signed softly to Andrea who nodded with a smile. "What is with this hand movement thingy?" Wanda was confused and Bucky knew it too but hated to do so. "Calm down Janie." Bucky signed getting a soft sigh from Janie "You haven't done that in years Buck, why now?" Andrea spoke softly getting tired of holding the face while she hugged him tightly and sniffled into his shirt. "Wait Bucky you know Andrea?" Wanda asked him with a sad expression on her face "I do but I known her my whole life really." Bucky pulled away from the hug getting a soft smile from him to stop her from crying while she backed into Tony's chest where he hugged her from behind kissing her cheek softly. "I love you." He whispered into her ear getting a smiled from Janie while she nodded. "What do you mean your whole life Bucky?" Wanda was getting worried now for she might be replaced "Andrea can you unblock my mind please?" Bucky turned to Andrea "No Bucky I can't do that, the games have just begun here and it's going good really." She spoke again "Blocked out from what?" Wanda asked Andrea "You really don't know me do you?" Andrea chuckled softly while being held by Tony, she tapped his arm to let her go but he didn't let het go. "No my baby mine." He spoke out kissing her head softly "Janie?" Wanda sighed knowing who it was now, hearing a soft cry from the baby inside the incubator while Tony looked over at Kyler then to Janie who immediately walked over to his aid fast, Janie picked him up softly and held him closely. "Shhh it's okay mamma is here baby it's okay." She turned to Tony who held his head while he was a fully grown baby. Kyler calmed down fast by being held by his mother. "Kyler baby it's okay babyboy." Tony rubbed his tiny head kissing Janie's head loving the perfect lady ever. "What did I tell you the best mom in the damn world." Tony giggles lowly while he spoke lowly "Language there's a baby present." Janie frowned and hit Tony in the arm. "Can I see him?" Wanda asked lightly. "Not what after you did to me no I'm sorry." Janie was overprotective of her baby and Tony who held her back from fighting. "What did I do to you?!" Wanda asked looking at her "You broke my heart by being with my brother that's what you did, I was in love with you and you chose him over me." She didn't hide her real face now, not caring. "That's why I left and I shouldn't of stayed away, for good." She took Kyler who was off the tubes and frowned at her lightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." Wanda walked over to her holding her elbows "Don't touch me." She pulled away from her still frowning. "Yeah you didn't know since you had your eyes on my damn brother, the whole time you were getting to me to get to him, now look at you, pregnant welcome to the family." She spoke while still being held back from a fight from Tony. "Janie it's not a nice time really for a fight." Wanda held up her hands in surrender and submission. "Yeah you are right out of all the people here I am the most powerful too." She didn't mean to brag about her powers. "I assume you are Jasmine the toddler and Andrea too?" She asked softly knowing well more now "Oh you caught on I'm so proud of you." She was sarcastic and chuckled lowly her eyes glowing bright purple "Try to get into my head again and I swear you never lay an eye on my twin." She threatened her right then and there. "Are you going to let your own sister talk to me like?" Wanda looked at Bucky in the eyes. "She's a very powerful being I can't control her but I know who can well." He motioned to Tony who tapped Janie to stop while she looked over at him and sighed walking out with baby Kyler. "I'm done with this." Janie just left the tower with a backpack and duffle bag while she held onto Kyler. "And there she goes again leaving." Tony shook his head knowing where she was going again back to the sanctuary to just have more control over her unknown untapped raw powers. "I didn't mean for her to leave again." Wanda walked out and followed her to the sanctuary. "Hey I wasn't done talking to you." She touched her arm turning her to face her. "What do you want?" Janie rubbed Kyler's back softly while Wang and Strange took Kyler away from Janie to take him inside while Wang took her bags inside to free her hands. "I want you to stay." Wanda spoke while she saw Janie's eyes glow purple again. "I can't control my eyes it happens okay." She spoke "Oh, but why here?" She asked looking up at the building. "It's for people like me, Strange and Wang." She shrugged "I can practice my magic and not hurt anyone really." She spoke "I don't cast spells I'm way beyond that." Wanda listened to her talk. "Will you come back when you get control of your powers?" Wanda asked "Depends really I will visit though since Tony loves me to much to let me leave so yeah." She shrugged lightly "You and Tony, how long now?" She smirked softly getting a soft wink from her while Tony ran over breathing heavily and looked at her. "You didn't give me a goodbye kiss." He pouted and looked at her softly knowing it was for the best the both of them. "Oh baby I'm sorry, come to mami." She opened her arms to him while he walked over to her and gave her a big hug while he pressed his lips to hers and held her cheek. "Bye for now, I love you take care of Kyler will you." He pulled away from her with a smile while Janie nodded her head. "I'll do my best okay." She held his cheek and gave him one more kiss goodbye for now. "Janie I love you so much, call me when needed please." He loved to hear her voice even when she didn't want to talk at all. "Tony I love you too so much." She smiled giving him a huge passionate kiss, Wanda sighed softly and walked back to the tower without Tony behind her.

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