Health in Pain

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On the way to the tower Janie noticed something out of the blue and told Strange to go to the tower right away while she transformed into her true self, where she didn't wear clothes but her suit. While Strange ran over to the tower and went into the elevators and went up to the top floor where he sighed softly getting a look from everyone. "Strange where's Janie?" Tony asked looking over at Bruce and the others if she needed help. "She had to deal with an outer being, she will be back I promise." He held onto Kyler tightly keeping him safe, meanwhile back where Janie was she stood in front the figure where he was red all over his eyes and figure, he sighed at Janie. "A deal is a deal Janie, you need to give him over to me now." The figure spoke with a British accent where he turned to a human being and smirked at her. "What do you truely desire?" He asked while he knew he couldn't get to her "I want my son to be left alone Samuel." She spoke softly knowing his real name and wasn't phased by his question or powers. "You do know that's not going to work on me right?" She chuckles lowly "Well it's a good try you know." He shrugged with a nod "Fine the deals done you can keep him I don't want him anyway, I just made that excuse to just see you again." He spoke softly with a smile "Yeah sure and okay, I have to go." She walked away from the alleyway and walked to the tower and walked in while her suit changed back to normal clothes that she was wearing when she went out. She walked over to the elevator while her friend followed her to the tower and walked in after her. "What are you doing?" She asked him with a frown "I need to see the family for myself." He spoke with a sigh softly "Okay?" She heard the elevators doors open while she walked out with Lucifer on her tail. "Hey guys I think I'll just stay here for a while now and this is Lucifer." She spoke pointing to the guy behind her, while he held a knife stealthy in his hand while he stabbed Janie in the back while she looked at her belly and then at Lucifer and fell to her knees holding her belly groaning softly while Bucky ran over to her and held her tightly. "Don't go into the light please." He begged her not to go while Lucifer looked over at Strange and tilted his head to Kyler. "You must be Kyler, her son." He held out his hand to the toddler with a freakishly smirk. Kyler shook his hand and fell asleep in Strange's arms immediately, while Lucifer took a hold of Kyler. "Thank you the deals done." He disappeared while Tony fell to his knees holding his mouth while light tears fell down. "Kyler!" He yelled out and got even more angry now. Janie looked at Bucky her eyes slowly going blank while he held her hand to know if she was gone which went limp in his hand. She was gone again, he knew she wasn't gone. "You are not dead, Janie." He lightly shook her body which was limper. "Please tell me she's not gone?" Tony crawled over to Bucky and looked at Janie who was bleeding out in Bucky's arms. Bucky gave Tony a look while he holding his sister in his arms. "Tony I'm so sorry but she's really gone." He sobbed into Janie now and held her closely. Bruce hulked out and roared loudly while he was overprotective of Janie. "Strange who was that guy?" Tony looked over at the hulk and told him to calm down. Strange looked at Janie then at Tony while he shrugged. "That was Lucifer the devil, I guess he and Janie made a deal a while ago." He frowned and sighed knowing he lost the one thing he needed to protect from harm and failed. "I'm so sorry." He spoke. Meanwhile in hell Janie walked around the halls and found Kyler and ran over to him. "Mommy I want Daddy." He cried into his mom's chest while she held him rubbing his back. "I know I do too baby." Janie still felt her body while her eyes became dark while the demon within her woke up, while in hell her body disappeared and a mark on her forearm appeared while she looked around the room where everyone was crying. "Janie?" Tony looked at her the blood disappear back into her body "Janie's not here, please leave a message." Her inner demon had finally came out while her voice changed from her normal voice to being Australian. "Shit the Mark of Cain." Strange noticed her arm while holding his mouth. Janie noticed and her eyes turned back to her hazel orbs her voice changing back to normal. Bucky looked at her and then at Tony hugging him first and walking over to his sister who just stood there confused. "Where's Kyler?" Tony asked holding her arms softly and looking into her eyes. "I saw him in hell, with Lucifer." Her voice breaks into a soft sob holding onto her belly. "My baby is in hell." She sank to the floor in front of Tony, while he held her close to his chest. "It's gonna be okay baby we will get him back I promise." He voice was stern and demanding. The hulk looked over at Janie and stomped over to her and knelt down slowly while Tony rubbed her back softly knowing he won't stop her from crying but he knew the hulk will. The hulk picked her up into his arms and softly rocked her in his arms while Janie looked up at the hulk and sighed softly and held him still crying while the hulk gave in and Bruce took over while he was still standing. Janie held Bruce tightly and stopped sobbing. "You are not a horrible mom you are an amazing one." He rubbed her cheek his pants gone but his stretchy pants left in tacked. "We will get him back I promise." He swore to protect Kyler. Meanwhile back in hell Lucifer held Kyler like a prisoner. The time down there work differently from the real world. It felt like years but it was only months on Earth. The team helped Janie first and then with Kyler, he grew faster in hell than Earth and was almost fully grown since Janie was the same when she grew up. Her biological parents were both mutants and died saving the world. She felt like this was all a nightmare but it was so very real to her. Tony walked up to her while she was on the couch in a weird trance like state her eyes glowing purple her veins becoming black and all over her cheeks while he knelt in front of her and touched her knee softly which made her trance like state disappear. "You okay Janie?" Tony asked lightly with a concerned look on his face. "Yeah I am good." She lied well and didn't feel bad about it while she missed Kyler so much. "Come on Janie I think I know that you are not okay, talk to me baby." He rubbed her knee softly while she looked at him now her eyes dark and glowing purple. "I miss him baby Kyler I miss our son." She hugged him tightly and sobbed softly into his chest.

Admin notes: Discontinued for now but more will come I promise.

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