Rain in Scars

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A month passed while Janie felt a bit off. She looked at her period flow chart and frowned with a soft sigh knowing what it was clearly. "Strange can you look over Kyler please I need to go to the tower to the lab please." She just told him with a smile "Sure I'll take care of him sweets and do please go." He motioned her to leave and go get a check up. "Thank you." She hugged him and left running over to the tower running to the elevator right away pressing the top floor not caring if anyone was home or on a mission. She got into the elevator not feeling right but knew it was just a fluke and was overreacting in all honesty. The elevator doors opened to a dark floor no lights were on, she frowned looking around for a while. "Hello?" She called out not earning a greating but an automated voice from around her in a the corridor. "Hello Miss Couleman I am FRIDAY, Mr Stark's newest AI, the whole team is on a mission should I tell them you are here?" She asked softly, Janie smiled and nodded her head softly "Tell Tony that's it please not the others just say I'm visiting okay." She headed to the lab to get herself a check up with a sigh knowing it was just a fluke again. "Please don't be pregnant not now please." She sighed softly biting her lip getting the results back while she frowned and tilted her head then looked down at her belly then back up again. She wasn't pregnant her period was just late again. She sighed softly feeling a soft relief while she felt a flood down her thigh softly while she looked at her sweat pants and chuckles lowly. "There it is." She rubbed the back of her neck where her parents birthday was while her entire body was nearly covered in tattoos but spots were very blank but her chest, back and arm were covered in small detailed tattoos. She got changed into a tampon and some new sweat pants that were stashed in the vents since she kept some spare clothes just for fun. Scott walked out of his room to find out where the music was since Janie loves to rock out while she does stuff. "Hello?" He walked in while she turned to face him with a smile while she was trying to just get into Tony's suit alone to talk to him. "How did you get in here?" He asked softly not knowing who she is. "Hi there back I'm Janie Coulman, Bucky's step twin sister, I'm sure Tony has mentioned me a bunch of time?" She held out her hand to him with a light smile, Scott took her hand and shook it softly. "Your brother did mention you a lot basically bragged about you moving out of the tower due to Wanda." He chuckled lowly "I was in love with her and she chose my bother over me but it is what it is, I have Tony anyway." She showed her necklace saying his name with a smile "I never take it off." She smiled getting a response right away with a soft ping on her computer while his face appeared during a fight. "Hey Janie what's up?" Tony spoke while the rest of the team said "hi." and still managed to fight the battle. "Don't you fucking die on me now." She laughed and looked over at Scott while he tilted his head not knowing she could code. "I'll take care of Janie." Scott spoke up to the team. "Thank you and if you ever touch her, you are losing your hands, she's mine." Bucky was overprotective of his little sister "That's to bad Bucky I'm all over her dancing." Scott made her laugh while he was joking "Lang I swear to God I will." Bucky spoke up not being calm while he punched a guy in the face. "Also why didn't anyone tell me you are going on a mission?!" Janie yelled at Tony for a second then calmed down "We did and you didn't answer your phone!" Tony yelled back blasting a guy into a wall throwing punches left and right. "I don't carry my phone in the sanctuary dumbass." Janie held her mouth while Steve spoke "Language please." He sighed and shooked his head throwing his bike at a tank while saying "It just slipped out, shut it okay." He said walking over to Thor while he held up his shield and Thor banged his hammer against it hard getting a reaction, Janie held her ears while it softly bleed while she looked over at Scott then walked to the bathroom. "Janie are you there still baby talk to me." Tony asked Scott "She went to the bathroom." He spoke to Tony not getting a reaction from the bang while Janie was sensitive to all light and vibrations. "Thanks I'll stay on the line but please make sure she is okay will you." Tony told Scott while he disappeared to check on Janie who was bent over the toilet throwing up. "It's not a stomach bug I swear I get sick when I get my period, and I sometimes bleed out of my ears if I hear a certain vibration." She couched softly while she just finished. "You okay?" He asked and grabbed something from the pantry and handed it to her which was water and chocolate while she flushed the toilet. "Awe Scott thank you." She smiled washing her mouth and taking the two things from Scott and drinking the water but not the chocolate yet while she saved it for later. "Come on." She motioned them to go back to the lab to talk to Tony more. "Hey I'm back." Janie smiled trying to not get sick again "You okay baby?" Tony asked wondering if she was pregnant again "Please don't tell me you are again?" He asked with a smile if she was "No I'm not and I'm just sick cause of my cycle." She nodded her head "Awe we'll be back soon I soon okay then you can cuddle me all you want when I get back." He promised her that "Okay baby." She nodded her head with a soft sigh "Janie?" Tony spoke up again "What's up Tony?" She asked with a smile "Look in the left drawer I left you something to think about okay." He bit his lip and wanted her to be his wife for once. Janie opened the drawer getting an awe from Scott who was just listening to them talk to one another. "Will you?" He asked while she opened the box her jaw dropped while she giggled and bit her lip. "Oh Tony I would always want too no matter what gets between us okay, there isn't anything in the world where I don't want to lose you ever." She spoke which was just basically a simple yes in her words "Just say yes for gods sake." Scott held his heart. "Fine Tony yes I will." She laughed and placed the ring back "But you have to do it since it's respect and did you get Bucky's approval too?" She asked with a smile "Approval for what?!" Bucky shouted to Tony with a frown now getting upset "Did you ask her to marry you?" He laughed softly happy about it and approved of them. "I call best man!" Steve shouted with a smile. "Same here too." Clint was injured but held a thumbs up in the air. "I'm on Janie's side." Hulk spoke with a weird smile "Hey big green." Janie smiled at Bruce and just saw him only than the hulk "Hey Janie." Hulk said smashing the last guy while he roared "So powerful." She smirked at his roar loving it. "We have a wedding to plan guys I will marry Janie." Tony clapped his hands while the mission was to get something. "Okay guys I'll see you back here." She smiled biting her lip "Bye Janie." They all yelled in unison. "Bye guys." She disconnected the call from the computer and looked over at Scott. "Can I see the ring?" He asked with a soft smile "Sure." She got the ring from the drawer and opened it while she showed Scott who just held his chest softly not trying to cry. "Do you have a child?" He asked while she closed the box and put it away. "Yeah I have a son named Kyler." Janie smiled and walked over to the couch waiting for the team to come back from the mission while it was only a few hours into her show while she fell asleep her head leaned back while Scott was next to her keeping her warm and protected. The elevator doors open while Janie sprang up into action looking around while she was cuddling Scott who didn't mind while she pulled herself away from him with a light smile. "Sorry." She spoke softly "It's okay." He spoke softly while Tony ran over to her and tilting his head at the seeing tattoo on her collar bone while he touched her cheek while her hand went to his immediately and he gave her a sweet kiss. "God I missed you." He whispered hugging her after while she hugged him back sighing into his body feeling so much more than safe. "Janie!" Bucky yelled over to Janie who looked at her brother while he ran over to her giving her a huge hug picking her up while her legs wrapped around his torso hugging him tightly. "Why did you come here too?" He put her down slowly. "I thought I was again you know." She made a round shape with her hands with a smile "Are you?" He was happy for her if she was again then looked over at Tony with a smile "Is that Janie I hear?" Natasha walked in with Clint by her side who was badly injured while Bruce and some others came behind him talking in Japanese while they helped him. "No I'm not I just had a late period that's all." She chuckles while Natasha hugged Janie happily "Welcome back." She spoke while Wanda walked in and looked over at Janie and just went to her room without a "Hi." or even a "Hey." Janie frowned softly then looked over at Bucky. "She's okay, just having a hard time." Bucky spoke softly walking away to her "Okay." Janie nodded her head with a soft smile, Natasha walked over to lab to accompany Clint who was getting patched up by a doctor. "Who hit Clint?" Janie asked getting mad "They are already dead and hello lady Barnes." Thor spoke proudly with a smile, saying her last name wrong but she blew it off  "Hey Thor long time no see." She nodded her head to the King. "That's good I bet big green did that huh?" She smirked and looked over at Bruce who nodded his head. "Hey Janie." He walked over to her giving her a hug then went to the lab to help Clint where Tony was making a smoothie for Clint. Janie looked around while she sat back down on the couch taking the chocolate from her pocket eating it slowly knowing she might get sick anyway but didn't care. "I assume you are going to need to use the bathroom?" Scott asked lightly knowing what might happen. "Yeah just don't tell Tony he has a lot to worry about anyway." She sighed softly finishing the chocolate and trying to get to stomach to relax but didn't while she ran to the bathroom and closed the door behind her locking the door running to the toilet and throwing up her chocolate and extra food she had in her stomach while she groaned softly flushing the toilet and washing her mouth while Scott was by the door with water again. "Better?" He asked her while she took the water and drank it slowly "Just a bit feeling like shit still." She rubbed the back of her neck softly looking at the lab where Tony was talking to the team "He has a lot on his plate as it is and I have to go back soon I'm on a tight schedule, training and protecting reality is what Strange always says." She smiles hugging Scott who hugged her back then pulled away, while Tony looked at her with a smile still a little pale from the bathroom. He walked over to her and frowned softly. "Did you just walk out of the bathroom?" He asked not knowing what is really going on or wanted to find out more. "Yeah I just did." She spoke seeing Scott leave the two of them to talk. "Are you okay, you seem paler than normal." He asked being a concerned fiance as usual "I'm good why?" She lied about throwing up and feeling like shit. "Just wondering." He gave her a kiss goodbye while Janie kissed him back with a little bit of passion. "Bye I'll see you whenever okay, be safe and I love you." She held his cheek rubbing it softly. He held her arm softly. "Just stay please." He begged her to come back to the tower. "I can't I have a reality to save." She smiles feeling a bit shitty still but better too "I love you too babydoll." He let go of her while she left the tower getting eyes all over her. "Scott what was she doing in the bathroom?" Tony walked over to the couch seeing candy on the couch, then back at Janie who had just left. "Shit she's on her period!" Tony freaked out for a second calling a friend to get her something to be delivered to the sanctuary. Meanwhile at the sanctuary Kyler was walking around running and playing with Wang and Strange with Nerf guns. "Boys I'm back." Janie walked in and closed the door behind her with a smile while Kyler ran over to his mom and jumped into her arms hugging her tightly. "Mom, Uncle Wang and Stephan are playing war with me want to join?" He asked softly growing up so well looking like his father more than her. "Next time baby mama isn't feeling well." She kisses his head and moves his hair out of his face. "When will I be able to see Dad?" He asked with a soft pout wanting to see the team for once. "How about now?" She looked over at Wang and Stephen with that they would too visit. "I'll go too he needs the protection anyway from bad things in the world." Stephen said softly while he placed his Nerf gun in the back of his pants. "Nice." Janie smiles and walks out of the sanctuary where Wang stayed behind to guard the sanctuary. "I'll stay behind to guard the time stone." Wang nodded at them both "Good." They both said in unison and chuckled lowly. Strange nudged Janie softly with a soft smile he opened his arms to hold onto Kyler to the tower.

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