Chapter 15-Escape

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Y/n's prov:

"Hehe. I sense my prince coming to try and rescue you." Lucy giggled. "Too bad he's going to fail and you're going to die."

"You think so highly of your plan."

"Says the one tied up." She hissed.

Not for long. See the thing is, she thinks I'm just a cat, but boy, she is missing the other half.....literally..... Anyway, it's just rope, no magic, so it won't be hard to break free. I just need help fighting.

*Door slams open*

I wince feeling my lover's anger and my ears went down.

"He's here!" She giggles with excitement. "He's finally here!"

"What's the plan, ma'am." One of them ask.

"I'm going to need everyone in this room, but you, Drake, I need you to watch the cat."

"Yes ma'am." Drake replied.

Once they all left, Drake went to lock the door, so no one could come in. I created a knife in my hand and cut the rope. While he was still turned, I made knives surround him and snapped my fingers. As I snapped, the knives came down on him, killing him.

"That was easier than I expected."

"Danm, that hurt kitty."


Drake pulled my tail and smashed me into the wall.

"I'm going to try and reason with Lusy to keep you alive and be my maid, kitty."

After he said that, he smashed his lips onto mine and I couldn't move to push him away. I felt tears stream down my cheek. You need to break free! Come on y/n! Fight! Fi- I internally yelled at myself, until my hands glowed (f/c).

"Get. Off. Me. Now." I demanded.

He flung back and fell unconscious.


I peeked out the door and saw that no one was around. I quickly got to work on getting up to the ceilings. I saw a column that connected to the poles in the ceiling. I climbed up to the ceiling and looked for a way out. I saw a window in the ceiling and went to it, opened it, and made it to the roof.

Take that Lusy! I made it out! Haha-

My celebration was cut short when a beam of light strock my arm.




"I'm so sorry. I thought you were one if them. Let's get you to Keith."


Jill was shocked. I just said no to seeing the love of my life.


"Lusy is trying to claim him by killing me."

"Who?" She asked darkly.

"Lusy... who is she to you Jill?"

"She killed my brother..." She stated with venom in her voice.


"Let's talk about it later. Let's get you home."


Two hours later

I fell asleep as soon as I got home. I was stuck in that nightmare for a week and now I'm home. When I woke up, I realized that tomorrow I have to meet up with Lotor.

"I'm going alone and I need you to promise me you will stop Keith from coming after me."

"I- okay."

"Thanks Jill."

"Yea yea."

We hugged and had one last training session.

The next day, 5 am

"Good Bye Jill."

"Be safe."

"I'll try."

I leave and go to the meat up place and wait for Lotor.

Keith prov:

"WHERE ARE THEY, JILL!? I CAN SMELL THEIR SENT! I- I can't lose them again."

Am I crying!? I'm crying. God damnit, I miss them.

"Please, Jill. I can't lose them."

I fell to my knees.

"I'm sorry, I made a promise and I'm going to keep it."

"Fine, but don't stop me from finding them."

"I'm sorry, I can't let you do that either."

Jill casted a spell that created vines that grabbed a hold of me and locked me in place.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"I know." I smile weakly

Ugh! Sorry again. I am not going to make any excuse, I'm sure you all are tired of hearing them. Thank you for the support. I love you all so much!

~Em Em

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