Hide and Seek

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Nightshade raced through the small streets of the ghostly silent village. He didn't exactly know where he would hide, but as long as he could escape Solar, it didn't matter. It had started to rain hard, and the thunder above him brought back some old memories. It reminded him of when Dream would curl up under the tree, afraid of the approaching storm. He'd comfort Dream, telling the positive guardian it would be alright. Nightshade regretted everything he'd ever done to his poor brother, who now was the one trying to kill him.

He stopped at a small house on the end of a shaded street. He quickly stepped through the broken doorway and into the living room. He looked around for a hiding spot, but soon started noticing things that looked familiar.

Oh no.

This place....

He remembered this house.

This house was the last one he went to on his killing spree all those years ago. He'd been crazy then, but he recognized the faces in the photos. Oh god, it was the family of bunnies. The cute, small, innocent family of three bunny monsters. The screams of the parents, whom he killed in this very room, resounded in his skull, and he fell to his knees, screaming.

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no, I d-didn't mean to! P-please, forgive me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

He squeezed his eyesockets shut, and tried to cover his ears, but the screams seemed to get louder. He felt like he was going deaf, and he shakily got to his feet. He stumbled up the stairs to the young girl's room. He remembered the little monster's look of terror as he cornered her in her bedroom. He had stabbed her with a tendril, a sadistic smile on his face. He watched with a twisted satisfaction as she dusted, her cold, dead eyes, half-lidded and glazed, staring into his very soul.

Now, he was the scared, little bunny hiding from the monstrous wolf. In a desperate attempt, he hid in the closet. It wasn't too crowded, so he couldn't bump into anything as he shook in fear. He almost wanted relax, to believe he was safe, but the haunting memory that his brother had eaten one of those accursed apples as he watched, unable to stop him, and now was consumed by the evil and insanity that had possessed him at one point, tore him apart. He leaned against the wall behind him in the darkness of the closet and slid down to the floor. He held his knees to his chest, hot, lavender tears streaming down his cheekbones.

This is all his fault.

He'd allowed this to happen.

He'd promised himself he would protect his innocent brother.

But no. He was a failure, and he was going to die for it. He jumped as a loud crash sounded from outside. It definitely wasn't the lightning. He stiffened and put a hand to his mouth, trying to silence his shaky breathing. He was terrified, and he knew Solar could sense it. He scooted as far away from the door as he could, never talking his eyelights off of it. He could hear heavy, purposefully slow footsteps making their way up the stairs. He felt the dark presence take delight in his terror, and though he should've been angry or at least annoyed, he was too frightened to care, really. He jumped again as a much louder crash rang through the building, and his body trembled more, his breath coming out in small, terrified pants.

Another crash.

He was getting closer.


Solar flung the door of the bedroom open and entered, lazily scanning the room. A bed. A dresser. A window. The harsh rain outside dampened the sound in the room, so Solar couldn't hear Nightshade, but he could definitely sense him. He sent his tendrils into the bed, striking down to the solid wood below. Not there.
"Oh, Nightmare~ Where could you be, hmm?~ Come out and play with me."

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