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Arriving at Nightshade's castle, Error carefully brought the injured skeleton in his arms to the living room. He set him on the couch and sat next to him, heaving a sigh. Error felt... weird about this, to say the least. He'd never seen Nightshade so.... weak and vulnerable, before. He'd always been so intimidating, confident and, to Error, darkly attractive. Now, Error thought he was kinda cute. It'll be fun to tease him about this later, if he can take a joke. Nightshade's face was still stained with dark purple blood and lavender tears, so Error wiped it off with his hoodie sleeve.

'There,' he thought, smiling. 'Now he doesn't look like he just got out of a harsh beating.'

Error watched Nightshade, deep in thought. What if... he doesn't wake up? What if he dies?! Error looked away, holding his head in his hands. What if he's left alone, again? What would do without Nightshade?! He started to panic, his breath quickening and his soul pounding. A few light blue tears rolled down his cheeks, and he trembled. His mental stability had become almost entirely dependant on Nightshade, and he wouldn't be able to handle it if Nightshade died. He used to act aloof and indifferent to the negative guardian's flirtatious ways, but that changed. Now, he actually looked forward to it. It was funny. The heartless destroyer falls in love.

He heard a crashing sound coming from out in the hall. He lifted his head, a scowl making its way across his features. Whoever was stupid enough to infiltrate the castle was in for it, now.

Template panicked. He'd been so curious about the flowers in the vase, that he hadn't noticed how close he was to the table they were on. He'd accidentally bumped it, sending the vase, flowers and table, crashing onto the hard, stone floor. It broke into a thousand pieces, and he heard footsteps approach him quickly. He ran in the opposite direction, frantically searching for a place to hide. He ended up in the kitchen, and hid in the pantry.

You just had to go to the kitchen, didn't you, Template?

Template checked around the corner to see if he was being followed. Finding no one, he breathed a sigh in relief, and turned around...

... ... ...

...to be met with the biggest stash of chocolate he'd ever seen! Thousands of bars, stacked neatly in columns, took up most of the shelves. There were all kinds of flavors, too! Cherry, cherry coconut, coconut, raspberry, caramel, marshmallow créme, mint, coffee, mocha, toffee, cinnamon and butterscotch by some miracle, cookies 'n cream, waffle crunch, some type of donut flavor, churro somehow, peanut butter, dark, white, almond- or peanut-filled, sriracha (he guessed it was exotic), bourbon vanilla (another exotic one), cream puff chocolate, chocolate layer crunch (like twix or snickers), chewy caramel chocolate....

He felt like he died and went to chocolate heaven. His eyelights grew big and sparkly, and he drooled a bit as he stared at the incredible amount of chocolate. He started to grab one of each, not caring if it belonged to someone else. He'd gotten used to stealing things with Switch, since they had no real choice with Solar chasing them around. He unwrapped the coffee and dark chocolate bars and stuffed his face with them. They were delicious! Why didn't he have something like this in his multiverse?!

Error stalked into the kitchen, looking around and grumbling under his breath. He was not in the mood to dust someone, especially after his near panic attack over the possibility he could lose his best friend. He had no idea what had happened to the poor skeleton, he vowed if he ever found the person responsible, he'd kill them. He got past the kitchen table when a skeleton burst out of the pantry, eyelights sparkling, and waving his giant pen around. Error stood dumbfounded as the skeleton began painting everything in sight, bouncing from one end of the kitchen to the other, and.... glitching? And giggling?!

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