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Nightshade fell through the portal into a dark cave. It was made entirely of ice, and every wall reflected the negative guardian's form like an unsettling mirror maze. A familiar laugh resonated from every direction

"/Oh/, /how/ /the/ /mighty/ /have/ /fallen/."

Nightshade growled.
"Caligo! Come out, you coward!"

The same, mocking laugh echoed across the room.
"/As/ /proud/ /as/ /ever/, /I/ /see/. /The/ /great/ /King/ /of/ /Negativity/, /reduced/ /to/ /nothing/ /more/ /than/ /a/ /small/, /insignificant/, /terrified/ /ptince/. /How/ /PATHETIC/."

Nightshade drew his lightsaber and looked around for his adversary. On the bright side, at least this evil creature couldn't freeze his tendrils. On the downside, he could still attempt to freeze him solid with all the water around him. This was always the problem trying to fight Caligo in his native element; he was impossible to hit if he turned into mist, as he so often liked to do, and his body was made up of ice. Even if Nightshade managed to land a hit, as long as there was water around, Caligo would just regenerate. How do you fight something like that?!

"Come out and face me!" Nightshade yelled out.

"/Oh/? /Eager/ /for/ /a/ /fight/, /and/ /yet/, /he/ /could/ /not/ /defend/ /himself/ /from/ /his/ /own/ /brother/. /Face/ /it/, /little/ /prince/. /You/ /are/ /weak/. /I/ /can/ /feel/ /your/ /fear/. /Wielding/ /a/ /weapon/ /of/ /a/ /civilisation/ /beyond/ /your/ /own/ /does/ /not/ /make/ /you/ /strong/, /does/ /it/?~"

Nightshade turned around, trying to pinpoint where the voice was coming from. He couldn't fight an enemy he couldn't see. Besides, Caligo was right. He isn't strong. He could've been killed, by his own brother no less, and he hadn't been able to defend himself! He held his lightsaber in front of him and prepared his defense. The least he could do was stall for time and hope either Error could find him, or the water demon grows bored.
"What do you want from me?"

No answer.

"Why did you bring me here?!"

Still no answer.

'Ugh, he's just toying with me,' he thought. He tried to summon a portal to leave, but a spire of ice erupted at his feet. He leaped out of the way, and regained his footing rather easily, despite the slippery ice.

"/Oh/, /you/ /are/ /not/ /allowed/ /to/ /leave/, /little/ /prince/. /That/ /would/ /ruin/ /the/ /fun/~"

"Ugh, just leave me alone!"

"/Hmm/. /How/ /about/ /no/?"

"Let me out!"

Caligo's laugh sent chills up Nightshade's spine, and he tried to cut his way through the icy walls. He was panicking, and the cold was starting to affect his judgement. What was the demon's game? Suddenly, dozens of spires shot up from the floor, creating a labyrinth of ice. A few paths were open in front of him, and the demon's voice rang out once again.

"/Choose/ /wisely/, /little/ /prince/," he mocked. "/If/ /you/ /don't/ /hurry/, /you/ /might/ /freeze/ /to/ /death/~"

Nightshade really didn't want to go along with his sick, twisted game, but if the demon was right, he had little choice. Hesitantly, he chose one of the pathways, shivering from the cold.

Meanwhile, with Error and Template....

The glitch yelled out in frustration. Curse those fucking assholes! He wasn't fast enough to save Nightshade, and those demons could be torturing him, again! He slowly turned toward Template, a very displeased scowl on his face. The artist gulped.

"U-uh, I swear I had nothing to do with that-"

"I know!" Error spoke lowly through gritted teeth. Now what does he do?
"You are coming with me, and we are gonna find Nightmare. But how....?"

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