The Kind One

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Ink watched silently as Solar and Terror left through a portal. A portal to where, he had no idea. Nevertheless, it would seem they have joined forces. He had to find the other Dream to make sure this one wasn't lying, and to tell them what he'd found out. Apparently, Solar was planning to kill Nightshade to end his tyranny. While Ink didn't care what happened to Nightshade, his true brother deserved to know what was going to happen.

And he knew the perfect skeleton to deliver the news.

After making sure the coast was clear, Ink whipped out his paintbrush and made a portal to Killertale. Yes, Killertale was intact. If Dusttale didn't have a murder-crazed human roaming around, maybe the AU would be hospitable enough to live in. Alas, this is not the case. Anyway, Ink knew that the two skeletons living there wouldn't refuse him if he asked for a favor; in fact, Killer would immediately jump at the opportunity to see Dream, again. Ink knew why, and it grossed him out, to say the least. But, as long as no one was dying, he could care less. And if someone else was telling their multiverse's Dream what Solar was planning, he could spend more of his time and energy spying on the two that got away.

He arrived in Snowdin and headed to the skelebros' house. Seeing as how it was only Killer and Dust living in the deserted AU, Ink figured it would be easy to locate them, since they hardly ever left. He knocked on the door and waited. He heard muffled voices on the other side, and knocked again. He was about to knock a third time when the door opened, revealing Killer with an irritated scowl on his face. His expression softened when he saw Ink.

"Oh, it's just you. What's up?"

"The ceiling!" Ink said cheerfully.

Killer winced. Of course the squid would still remember their friend's favorite pun. Ink had grown the closest to them since they first appeared. Ironic, since he doesn't really like getting to know people. Killer, Dust, and Terror had made an oath to keep their friend's memory alive since they believed the Kind One to be dead. The nickname "Kind One" was something Terror made up, and Killer and Dust decided to roll with it. It was to remind them of what had been sacrificed to save them from Nightshade's influence. The Kind One had sacrificed their life and peace of mind to give the trio theirs. And now, the Kind One was gone. They had no idea what had happened, but three years ago, the Kind One had disappeared, along with their team of demons and that bastard, Fatal Error. Dust was the first to suggest that that knockoff of a glitch had had something to do with it, and since that day, the trio had hated Fatal. They swore that if they ever saw him again, they would kill him for what he had done, to them as well as everyone who has ever tried to stop him. He was, after all, responsible for taking away the one person who had chosen to believe in them, believe they could change, that they could be good people, when the rest of the multiverse shunned and condemned them. They would be forever grateful for that, especially Killer. He'd never had such a great relationship with his crush, Dream, before the Kind One convinced the positive guardian that Killer really had changed.

Back to the present, Killer sighed.
"C'mon in, squid. Hey, Dust! Ink's here."

Dust poked his head out of the kitchen.
"Oh hey, Ink. Howzit goin'?"

"No time for small talk, guys," Ink said. "We've got a situation that needs our immediate attention. I came to you guys cuz I know Killer has a good... uh, friendship with Dream, so I was hoping you could go looking for him."

"Why? Don't you know where he is?" Dust asked.

"Unfortunately, no. I need you guys to go look for him and tell him that Nightmare is in huge trouble-"

"Tch, why would we care about that asshole?"

"I know, I know, ya have bad blood with 'im, but Dream cares about him. And if we don't warn him, some other version of him is gonna try ta kill him! He's got Terror on his side now, too, so there's that ta deal with as well."

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