Chapter 20

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Liams POV

   The sun shining in from the curtains woke me up as they have been the only thing awaking me for the past few night. Its as if Harrys nightmares have vanished, leaving Harry back to a somewhat full nights rest. Its both relieving and worrying at the same time at the thought that just as fast as his nightmares disappeared they'll reappear once again. I try to push the worrying thought to the back of my head as I could hear soft footsteps coming from the hallway alerting me where our pregnant boyfriend is.

   Waking up the others as I get up the four of us go venture down the hallway and into the nursery to see what our lovable merman was up to. He was singing a jolly tune in merlish (as Lou likes to call it) as he folds more baby clothes and placing them in their drawers. Niall smile grew wider as he listened to the song, singing bits of it under his breathe as if he actually knows the words.

A 'níon mhín ó, sin anall na fir shúirí
A mháithairin mhín ó, cuir na roithléan go dtí mé

Dúlamán na binne buí, dúlamán Gaelach
Dúlamán na farraige, b'fhearr a bhí in Éirinn

Tá ceann buí óir ar an dúlamán gaelach
Tá dhá chluais mhaol ar an dúlamán maorach

Bróga breaca dubha ar an dúlamán gaelach
Tá bearéad agus triús ar an dúlamán maorach

Góide a thug na tíre thú? arsa an dúlamán gaelach
Ag súirí le do níon, arsa an dúlamán maorach

Rachaimid chun Niúir leis an dúlamán gaelach
Ceannóimid bróga daora ar an dúlamán maorach

Ó chuir mé scéala chuici, go gceannóinn cíor dí
'Sé'n scéal a chuir sí chugam, go raibh a ceann cíortha

Cha bhfaigheann tú mo 'níon, arsa an dúlamán gaelach
Bheul, fuadóidh mé liom í, arsa an dúlamán maorach

Dúlamán na binne buí, dúlamán Gaelach

Dúlamán na binne buí, dúlamán Gaelach
Dúlamán na farraige, b'fhearr a bhí, b'fhearr a bhí
Dúlamán na binne buí, dúlamán Gaelach
Dúlamán na farraige, b'fhearr a bhí, b'fhearr a bhí
B'fhearr a bhí in Éirinn

   Nialls laughter and applause brought Harry out of his world of folding turning to face us with a smile just as big as Nialls. "I cant believe you remembered that song." Niall chuckled going over to wrap Harry in his arms, their stomachs touching each other as they stand in each others embrace. "Of course I do, would sing it everyday while I waited for you." he said blushing bright red, trying to hide his face in his hands as his hormones are not helping.  

   "Im sorry sunshine, I didn't mean to upset you... I thought of our little song everyday when I was with you and when I wasn't." Niall placed a kiss on Harry cheek making the boy smile appear once again. Zayn, Louis, and I just watched the scene unraveling between the two lost lovers. Its hard not to get jealous of Harry and Niall closeness as the two have know each other the longest, they share history that we don't.

   I know though that we are making our own memories now that all five of us will share together. I sometimes wish we found Harry sooner, like that we all shared a childhood instead of those two but not all wishes can come true. I know I shouldn't be jealous of them but their relationship with each other is so strong it makes me doubt that Harry cares for us equally. What if Harry has a favorite out of the four of us?

A 'níon mhín ó, sin anall na fir shúirí
A mháithairin mhín ó, cuir na roithléan go dtí mé

Oh gentle daughter, here come the wooing men
Oh gentle mother, put the wheels in motion for me

Dúlamán na binne buí, dúlamán Gaelach
Dúlamán na farraige, b'fhearr a bhí in Éirinn

Seaweed from the yellow cliff, Irish seaweed
Seaweed from the ocean, the best in all of Ireland

Tá ceann buí óir ar an dúlamán gaelach
Tá dhá chluais mhaol ar an dúlamán maorach
Bróga breaca dubha ar an dúlamán gaelach
Tá bearéad agus triús ar an dúlamán maorach

There is a yellow gold head on the Gaelic seaweed
There are two blunt ears on the stately seaweed
The Irish seaweed has beautiful black shoes
The stately seaweed has a beret and trousers

Góide a thug na tíre thú? arsa an dúlamán gaelach
Ag súirí le do níon, arsa an dúlamán maorach

"What are you doing here?" says the Irish seaweed
"At courting with your daughter," says the stately seaweed

Rachaimid chun Niúir leis an dúlamán gaelach
Ceannóimid bróga daora ar an dúlamán maorach


I would go to Niúir with the Irish seaweed

"I would buy expensive shoes," said the Irish seaweed

Ó chuir mé scéala chuici, go gceannóinn cíor dí
'Sé'n scéal a chuir sí chugam, go raibh a ceann cíortha

I spent time telling her the story that I would buy a comb for her

The story she told back to me, that she is well-groomed

Cha bhfaigheann tú mo 'níon, arsa an dúlamán gaelach
Bheul, fuadóidh mé liom í, arsa an dúlamán maorach

"Oh where are you taking my daughter?" says the Irish seaweed
"Well, I'd take her with me," says the stately seaweed

Dúlamán na binne buí, dúlamán Gaelach

Seaweed from the yellow cliff, Irish seaweed

Dúlamán na binne buí, dúlamán Gaelach
Dúlamán na farraige, b'fhearr a bhí, b'fhearr a bhí
Dúlamán na binne buí, dúlamán Gaelach
Dúlamán na farraige, b'fhearr a bhí, b'fhearr a bhí
B'fhearr a bhí in Éirinn

Seaweed from the yellow cliff, Irish seaweed
Seaweed from the ocean, the best, the best
Seaweed from the yellow cliff, Irish seaweed
Seaweed from the ocean, the best, the best
The best in all of Ireland

   The two sang the duet beautifully with Niall singing in English and Harry in merlish. It was hard to not notice the love swimming in their eyes for each other as they stared at one and other. Louis let out an awkward cough to let them know we were still here as well. Harry snapped out of his daze and rushed over to the three of us attacking us in hugs, kisses, and good morning wishes. As he pulled away I could see the love he held for each of us equally shine bright in his eyes as he made sure to give us each the same amount of snuggles...

   Maybe Harry doesn't have a favorite?

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think? Sorry it was kinda boring, I  just need a filler chapter so I can collect more name suggestions as I want to do the reveal soon but would like more of your ideas to choose from. Will the break of nightmares continue to last? Do you think Harry has a favorite mate? Should the twins be identical or fraternal? Will one twin have legs and the other a tail like in the nightmare or should both be mer or should they both be human? If both or one is mer what should the color of their tail be? PLEASE GIVE SUGGESTIONS ON BABY NAMES FOR THE TWIN BOYS! Preferably water/ocean related names would be great :) Please feel free to comment, vote, follow me, checkout my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!

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