Chapter 9

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Liam's POV

 We finally got rid of our flu's after two weeks of Harry being the perfect nurse. He's been taking such great care of us and now we're trying to take care of him. His tummy swells bigger with each passing day causing things to become harder for him to do. Like yesterday he dropped a pen and we found him lying on the ground stuck with the pen in his hand. But he's so stubborn that he convinced himself he could get up on his own. He feel asleep trying after becoming exhausted from all of his attempts to get up, I picked him up and gently place him on the couch so he can enjoy his nap in comfort. He grows more stubborn as he furthers into his pregnancy, adamant he can still do things for himself. He's not whiny when he tell us either he just sweetly reminds us giving us a kiss to ease our concerns making it impossible to be annoyed with him. But today his energy was running low making it the perfect time to show him the perfect mates we can be.

 'Do you need more water love?' I ask as I walk into our room where he's propped up on some pillows with his eyes closed. The boys are moving around causing their little movements to be shown on his stretched skin. "No thank you, I'm okay. But do you think you could come and cuddle for a minute?" he flashes his puppy dog eyes as he asks. I easily melt at his face and scurry next to him cuddling into his side. He lets out a content sigh at my touch while the boys just seem to go nuts by it. "Boy's can you settle..." he was about to lecture the boys when he got the wind knocked out of him. "That wasn't very nice." he pouts at his tummy unhappy with the boys. His pout quickly melts away into a smile when the constant kinking comes to an end. Letting out a sigh of relief he drifts into a peaceful sleep. "Is he finally asleep?" Zayn asked while the three of them play Fifa on the xbox. 'Out like a light.' I state confidently joining in the little tournament we've started seeing as it was only nine at night.

 Around midnight the soft shuffling of feet could be heard above us yet stopped soon after it started. We pause the game and wait for a moment to see if their is anymore shuffling only to not hear any. With the final round of Louis against Zayn's best out of five being played the shuffling started up again. This time Niall and I were quick to our feet wanting to make sure our boys were okay. 'Guys.' I hiss at Louis and Zayn when we look back and see they are still playing. They roll their eyes before placing the game on pause so all of us can go check on Hazza.

 'Harry?' I whisper into the dark room only for no noise to return to signal he was their. With no snores, sniffles, whimpers, giggles, groans, shifting, or talking we quickly turn on the lights. Turning on the lights we find the bed made and the room completely empty. "Harry? Harry babe are you in there?" Louis knocks on the ensuite before opening it revealing an empty bathroom as well. He turns back to us shaking his head telling us he isn't in there only for panic to consume our beings. What if he's been kidnapped? What if he's hurt? What if the babies are hurt? What if...? My fear inducing thoughts were cut short when the faint hum could be heard. With out thinking twice we rush towards the nursery as to where the humming was coming from. We bust through the door, thankfully without scaring him. He just peeked one eye open before closing it and continuing to sway in the rocking chair. We each release a sigh of relief happy to see he's safe and not in pain.

 We stand in the door way and watch as he hums to the boys while rubbing circles on his extended skin. His humming stops after awhile and so does his peaceful sways from the chair. "Are you guys okay?" he asked brows scrunched up in concern as he analyses us looking for anything out of the ordinary. "We're fine babe." Zayn tells him placing a kiss on his forehead. He examines us for a moment longer before deciding to be pleased with our answer. He smiles at us before rocking forward in the chair and heaving himself onto his feet with a grunt. Zayn was quick to help him only for Harry to roll his eyes fondly at our worried states. He gives us each a peck on the cheek before waddling out of the nursery. We thought he was just going back to bed but were mistaken by hearing the stairs creek. Quickly Niall rushes out of the room and drags Harry back to bed. Placing him gently on the bed while Harry tried to fight him off saying he was just going to go grab a snack. "What would you like sunshine? We'll get it for you, you just stay here." Niall smiles as he tightly tucks Harry under the covers. "I couldn't ask you guys to do that, I don't want to be a burden on you four." he says somberly looking down at his hands as if he were about to cry. 'Baby, you're not being a burden. We're happy to take care of your needs because we love you.' I say whipping a tear that slid down his cheek. His frown turned completely upside-down showing of his dimples brightly. "Well... If it's not too much to ask for could you guys make me a... sandwich with peanut butter, sardines, pickles, fluffernutter, mustard, honey, lettuce, tomato, onion, and mayo on it please? Oh and a side of goldfish with chocolate sauce on them?" he asks blinking his big bright green eyes making it impossible to deny him of the disgusting craving. "Sure love, I'll be right back." Niall says going to go make the horrendous sandwich as he was the only one who wasn't fazed by the question. Returning with the sandwich in all its glory he hands it over to Harry who happily takes it. Letting out a moan as he bit into it, I guess the sayings true...

 What ever the babies want, the babies will get.

 Hello World, 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it took so long to update this story, I just took a little break over the weekend. Please feel free to vote on this story, comment,  follow me, check out my other Zianourry Harry Centric Mpreg Stories, or all four😁!

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