Chapter 11

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Louis's POV

 Ever since Harry told us about his father his mood swings have been more on the sadder side and it kills us to see him cry. We've been trying everything to get our happy merman back but nothing seems to be working. Plus with him just hitting his six month mark today we're scared as to if this will affect the boys. He just mopes around the house humming somber lullabies while rubbing his tummy. He waddles his way from bedroom to the kitchen to the nursery and repeat, never wanting to look out onto the lagoon. He's just become a ghost of himself and none of us know how to fix it.

 Our tipping point was earlier this morning, thats when we knew we needed to get him some help. He was making his first round of the day to the kitchen not even bothering to give us a greeting as he's off in his own sad little world. He stands in front of the refrigerator wide open, starring blankly at the plethora of food. "Hazza, would you like something to eat?" Liam asked rubbing his arms in a soothing motion. Suddenly he bursts into a fit of tears, babbling through his sobs trying to say something that none of us understand. "I have.... a.... a craving..... b-but.... I don't know what it is!" he manages to get out through the little breaks in-between his sobs and hiccups. We coddle him trying to calm him down but nothings working. We even had Zayn pick him up bridal style and bounce him like you would with a fussy baby. Soon enough he became exhausted by his tears and passed out in our hold. Liam picked him up and gently placed him on the couch while Niall swaddled him up in one of our furry blankets. "Zayn, Niall you guys go up stairs and find something for two ladies to wear. Louis go out and start searching for a conk-shell. When you guys do that meet up at the lagoon and try to contact Anne and Gemma. I'll stay back with Harry in case he wakes up." Liam instructed and with zero argument we do what he says.

 The goddess must have known we needed a conk-shell because one was right in front of me making it much easier than the last time. Niall and Zayn run to the shore caring two dresses that Harry must have bought for Anne and Gemma incase they ever decided to visit us. As they stand next to me out of breath I blow into the conk-shell making it bellow it low tune we wait for the mermaid to pop up who Harrys revealed her name to be Zeena. Zeena was much faster this time to pop out of the water with a menacing stare but only for it to vanish once she sees that we were the ones that called. "Why are you three calling? Harry isn't with you? Where is your fourth?" she asked looking around us to spot Liam. "Zeena we need Anne and Gemma, Harry needs help. He's thrown himself into a funk and we don't know how to help. Could you please go get them." Zayn practically begs as none of us can stand a moment longer of him crying. She nods and hurriedly swims away towards the mer-realm.

 "What do you mean my little baby brothers in a funk?" Gemma fumes as she pops out of the water with Anne being quick behind her. "Oh Gemma, calm down. Its nothing we can't handle I'm sure of it. Hello boys! Its nice to see you three again. Are those clothes for us?" Anne asks ever so kindly after calming down the still angry Gemma. We nod and lay them on the beach then turn around to give them some privacy. "Alright boys we're ready, lead the way." Gemma instructs. As we walk to the house we fill them in on everything that happened. Anne seemed to have known this feeling all too well and I'm just hoping she knows how to fix it.

 Entering the house we hear the soft sobs again coming from the living room in forming us he was awake. "I thought.... you left... me!" Harry sobbed as he stayed in Liams grip looking at us. 'baby we would never leave you.' I tell him turning his sobs into sniffles. "...Promise" 'We promise.' placing a kiss on his red nose a small smile came to his face but it vanished as quickly as it appeared. "Where were you?" he whispered looking down at his rounded tummy. "They went to get us love." Anne said coming into the living room as they wanted to give us space in order to calm him down. "MOMMY!" he bursted into tears once more, standing up from Liams hold with a little struggle and speed waddling over to Anne. Anne embraces him in a tight hug while Gemma just stood there in awe of the situation. I quietly walk over to her and whisper 'Has he ever been this upset before?' she shook her head mumbling "never." and that didn't help to settle my nerves. "Baby can you show me where the kitchen is?" Anne asked brushing his curls and nodding her head towards the stairs. We nod in understanding and race up the steps giving Harry and Anne some privacy.

 "So all of this started with him being nostalgic about our father?" Gemma asked as we brought her to the guest room assuming the two will be staying the night. "Yeah but really all he was able to get out is that he died from a fishermen." Zayn says she sat on the bedazzled for a moment. "Right but he was doing his job he was a hunter for our realm. There were risks to that and he knew it, he loved his job. It was terribly sad at the time but its just it happened over like eleven years ago he shouldn't still be mourning. When ever I think of him I remember him happily not like Harry." she says concern etched into her features, puzzled as to why our Harry is so upset about something that happened so long ago. 

 It felt as if we were upstairs for ages when truly it was an hour maybe two at the most before we smell his cooking, something he hasn't done since that morning we found him outside staring at the lagoon. Anne calls us from the bottom of the stairs to which we quickly answer her call. Rumbling down the steps we stop to see a sweet smile back on her face. Before we can even ask she explains "I did the same when I was expecting Gemma and my mother had passed. I thought of all the what if's when really I should have been focusing on the present, and now I've got Harry to do the same." she smiles triumphantly. Giving her a kiss on the cheek in thanks we walk into the kitchen to see our bubbly merman cooking away at the stove.

 Back to his happy self with no tears in site.    

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thought it would be fun to bring Anne and Gemma up to the surface. Who knows maybe Gemma will find her mate on land too? What did you think of the chapter? Please comment some names for the twins because I would love to use your suggestions! Feel free to vote, comment, follow me, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!

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