Chapter 4

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Liams POV

 When Harrys finished we make our way out of his bathroom and pack a small bag of his items with him not having much to take. We leave his room and he swims quickly down the stair case not even bothering to wait for us. Worried that he could hurt himself we move as fast as we can to get down stairs only to see him hugging Anne and Gemma as they slowly spin while in each others embrace. He pulls away with a sad smile that is mirrored by both mermaids as they each kiss his cheek. "Good bye baby, you and these two need to stay safe." his mom says placing a hand on his tummy. Wait a moment, did she just say two. "Two?" Harry seemed as shocked as we were by his mothers revelation. "Yes dear, can't you hear their heart beats?" she asks softly as he closes his eyes, furrowing his brows in concentration. He stays that way for a moment before his eyes shoot open while tears form in them. "I hear them" he whispers with smiles on our faces grow wider at the revelation at a second heart beat. "Now don't worry dear, you can come visit us when ever you like. You boys too! Just make sure to stay safe up their it isn't everyday a pregnant male is walking about. Its new to them so try to stay home as much as possible." Anne says rubbing his arms soothingly as she talks to him about the world on the shore. Nodding his head at her words promising to visit, he gives them each one last goodbye before we head for the shore.

 We walk up the shore with our clothes soaking wet as Harry pulls himself up on the rock with himself being completely dry. He plops his fin onto the sand as they turn to his gorgeous legs, standing up from the rock his tummy becomes slightly more noticeable than it was in the water. We walk over as he searches around the rocks for something. Finding it he breaks out into a smile while bending down to retrieve the item. Panic quickly ensues as he starts to bend, we run over before he's even half way down sitting him back on the rock and retrieve the item for him. It was the clothes we left for him this morning shaking his head he giggles at our concern. Grabbing the bag he quickly pulls on the clothes then he takes notice of ours. "We need to get you four home you could get sick staying in those." he states as he starts to walk back towards our house 'Harry you don't need to worry about us, we're supposed to worry about you and the little ones.' grabbing his hand in order to calm him. He just turns to look at as with love swimming in his eyes "Mates are supposed to worry about each other, right now its my turn to worry because we're fine but you four aren't. Now lets get back to the house before you four catch something." giving each of us a kiss on our heads he continues his way back with us in toe. 

 As we enter Harry makes his way upstairs and into our master bedroom. We follow him to see him turn on the shower and grabbing four of the fluffiest towels we own "Strip." he commands placing the tools on the sink. "What?" Louis asks flabbergasted as we are that Harry would be so forward "Strip and hop in" Harry points to the steaming shower. With it clicking in we do as he says and hop into the nice warm shower. Hearing him come in and out of the bathroom a couple times Zayn finally decided to ask what he was doing. "I've brought in clothes for each of you. I'll be downstairs when you guys come out." and with that he makes his final time going out of the bathroom for the remaining of our shower. Feeling completely relaxed as we exist the shower we dress in the sweats Harry brought in for us. With all of us being cozy we make our way downstairs to hear the beautiful humming we missed this morning coming from the kitchen. We walk in to see him over a pot stirring it while a bowl with a towel over it sits on the counter. Louis being the ever so curious one goes over to the bowl to take a peak at the contents inside. "Don't you even think about it Lou" Harry says pointing the wooden spoon over at Louis "Alright, alright... what is it?" he holds his hands up backing away from the bowl as Harrys glare turns soft with his dimples becoming on full display. "Just dough that needs to rise a bit more." he says turning back to his pot adding in ingredients while he stirs. "Harry maybe you should sit?" Niall tries to suggest only to be shot down by the pregnant boy. "I'm fine, I promise. You guys should sit and keep me company" he says smiling gesturing towards the kitchen table. We do as told with all of us taking the bench so we can keep an eye on him. A few minutes go by before a timer goes off that he silences and puts the dough into a pan then into the oven to bake. Placing his pot on simmer he makes his way over to the kitchen table sitting across from us.

 "Are you sure you guys are okay with this. I mean, its not necessarily normal from where you guys come from..." he was about to start going into a spiral with worry that we were only staying with him because we were doing it to be nice. Tapping his fingers against the table the entire time he starts the spiral we instantly put our hands on his silencing the tapping. "We are absolutely thrilled that your carrying our babies" Louis says as we all nod in agreement truly excited by the fact that he's pregnant with our babies. "Really?" he asks as tears become visible in his eyes 'Really, in fact we were excited when we thought you only had one in there but now that we know you have two we're ecstatic to hear that we get two bundles of joy.' brushing a stray tear from his face as he grows a smile. "I love you" he says "We love you more" we tell him in unison each of us giving his hands a kiss. We sit in comfortable silence for a while as we look into each others eyes never letting go of his hands. A timer goes off causing him to turn and slip his hands from our grip, pouting at the loss of his touch he blows us a kiss from the oven. Pulling the deliciously smelling bread out of the oven and pan he gives it a moment to cool before he starts to slice it, then he dishes up five bowls of homemade chicken noodle soup. He brings us each a bowl and the cutting board that has the bread we dig in. Enjoying his amazing cooking, he may have only been cooking "human" food for three months but he's amazing at it. Way better than the four of us who've spent most of our adult lives trying to become decent at the skill.

 Way better than the four of us who've spent most of our adult lives trying to become decent at the skill

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 Completely stuffed with his cooking we make quick work of the dishes while he sits at the table and watches us because we refused to let him clean up when he cooked. We make our way upstairs and into our room each of us doing our nightly routine. With us in our pjs and Harry in his boxers we all cuddle into bed with Harry and the little ones in the middle. We each lay a hand on Harrys little bump as we drift off to sleep.

 Finally feeling complete.

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