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Jalanee Coleman| 21

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Jalanee Coleman| 21

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

I was in a good mood today at work. I was happy to see Kentrell for some reason. I just was happy to see if me and him could start all over without anyone being disrespected.

For some reason we were closed tomorrow, so I decided to get my hair done for when Elijah,Destiny, and I go out.

I finished up updating everything on my patients, and waited on Kentrell.

I went on to switch my press on nails,and organized my room.

10:30 Pm

Kentrell never came and had me waiting for hours. I wasn't upset,i just didn't like how he wasted my time time.  I don't want to report him to judge and tell them he missed a session because it'll send him right to jail. All I had to do is document he was here and then put his name on the sign in sheet, but I'd have to wait til both receptionist go home. Jordan always closes up late, I didn't know how that'll work.

I waited and peeled through the window every now and then to see if he left but he was always there, I laid on my office couch and took a nap.


I woke up sweaty,and i squinted my eyes due to my office lights on. I looked around and and remembered why i was still here. I looked at my phone and see it was about 4 am. I walked out of my office,and went behind the front desk to find the clip board with sign in sheets. I scurried to find a pen and I sloppily forged Kentrell's signature.

I took my bag, and unlocked the front door and allowed myself outside and locked the front of the door, and walked to my car. There was a tap on my shoulder, I froze then turned around slowly to see a short lightskin girl.

"You the one who been texting Kentrell?" The girl said

I looked at her up and down.

"What?" I said to her.

"Bitch don't play dumb with me stop texting Kentrell. He's happy with me, got me a ring and everything.", She said putting her hands in my face.

I stepped back and laughed.

"I don't want that man. You can have him. He don't doesn't want me either. " I got into my car and she stood there and I drove off.

I don't why Kentrell got his girlfriend coming to my job , accusing me of trying to talking to him. Let alone why he didn't come to his session? Kentrell is starting to rub of me the wrong way simply by his actions and I don't know why it bothered me so much. A call to reschedule would've been nice.

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