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(her outfit in this chapter)

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(her outfit in this chapter)

Jalanee Coleman
Day of Baby Shower

"Jalanee hurry up damn." My cousin Karlae yelling from downstairs. My whole family was at Kayla's house and I don't even know why the baby shower was not here. Kayla wasn't even here,she went to go get her makeup done with Teelee and my other cousin Imany. I huffed and walked downstairs to go see what Karlae wanted. I walked through how many people I haven't seen in years. I finally found my way to Karlae.

"What happened?" I said mugging her.

"Can you take Cory? Imany calling me to meet her." She said nervously. Cory was her newborn son. I don't know why she wanted to leave him with me out of all people. I nodded and took the baby as she hanged me his bag. She then hurried and walked out. I went back upstairs to Kayla room,with the sleeping baby in my hand. I placed him on the bed and continued to fix up my hair and makeup. My brother then came through the door sighing.

"The baby is sleeping don't be loud." I whispered to him.

"Tell these niggas to leave the house. The house is so packed." He said. I huffed and went downstairs. I told everyone it starting to become time to go and I gave the drivers in the house the addresses. People started to to clear out as their were so many different cars parked outside. My mom and my dad remained.

"Where's Arianna?" I asked

"With Auntie Miracle." My dad said. I nodded. My brother then came from downstairs.

"What time we leaving?" He asked my Parents.

"Jalanee are you coming with us?" My dad asked.

"No a friend is picking me up. I'll be there later. I have to wait for my friend to pick up the gift I got." I said. My dad nodded and gave me a hug. He then motioned for my brother to come,and they all walked out. I went back upstairs to get my phone and texted Louie. I was so stressed so many different things to worry about and I still wasn't dressed. I looked back at Cory and he was still sound asleep.

Did you pick up the gift baskets? And Where are you?

I shut my phone off,and slipped out of my sweats and shirt carefully trying not to ruin my makeup and slipped on my dress. Baby Cory started to fuss and wake up. I carried him and started to sing lowly to him. He continued to cry,I checked if he needed a diaper change but he didn't. I went to his bag and made him a bottle. I put it to his mouth,and he started to drink the milk and hushed crying. He was so cute,I can't wait to take Kayla's kid all day. I then got a phone call. I tapped the accept button and put it on speaker,and moved my hand back to support Cory's head while he was drinking the milk.

"Jalanee come downstairs. I'm here. Hurry we late." Louie's deep voice said.

"Give me a second. I have a baby with me." I said quickly hanging up. I took the bottle of of Cory's mouth and he started to cry. I sighed and continued to feed him to bottle until it was done. I placed him on my shoulder and walked around,bouncing him up and down while burping him. Once he burped he started to smile with his gums all out. I smiled at him and placed him back on the bed. I slipped on my sandals. I grabbed my phone,put it in my purse,and put Cory on my shoulder grabbing his bag with my other arm. I slowly walked down the stairs,opened the door and locked my sister's house behind me. Louie walked up to me with an confused look.

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