The girl

25 8 3

12 August, 2020
1.41 AM

Wanna know something about the girl?

The girl who can light someone's day but can't find a way to light her own?

The girl who tells her friends that life is worth living, when she actually knows that her life isn't?

The girl who is trying her best to not give up?

The girl who is fighting
so hard?

You see her smile and think that she is happy.
But if you look carefully, you can see her dark eyes that holds a lot of sadness..

Her eyes are bruised because of all the tears...

Why does she always wear long sleeves?
You think she is cold
But that's not the main reason.

You don't know that she doesn't sleep at night
When everyone else sleeps...
All she can do is just cry herself to sleep...

She is just so helpless
No one is there to help her.

So she suffers in SILENT.....

A/N: This was written a while ago...
This is from my book 'THE GIRL'. Since not many people saw that one chapter book, i decided to post it here.

I love all of you who reads this book! I'm so grateful! Stay safe guys! And don't forget to vote and comment!

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