Choosing My Dream

32 9 3

09 April, 2020
7.33 PM

I'm just chasing after my dream

Without knowing what the dream exactly is

Do you get what I meant?

Its just that, I don't have any goal

I'm just leading my life without any ambition

I'm just doing what I have to do

I'm not feeling good... not at all

But I can't just stop

It's not like there's a pause button in our life that we could press whenever we need to...

But I really don't wanna stop

I have a lot of things to do

We all can't just do nothing

We shouldn't just waste this precious life of ours

I wanna do something meaningful in life

I have to prepare myself first

Before I chose my dream to chase after

I really wanna be the best version of myself

And that's all that matters to me at the moment

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