"He's gone..."

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I'm sitting in my hut tying a knot in the laces of my boots when I hear the door creak open.

"Hey, darling." Newt's thick accented voice comes. I instantly smile to myself as I turn to face the boy. He grins at me and sits down on my bed next to me.

"Hey, Newtie." I laugh, "where is everyone?"

"They're all having lunch. I came to get you." He replies. "Are you ready?"

"I'm not that hungry." I say. "I was just going to take a wonder around this place in about ten minutes. But you can go to lunch if you want."

"I'd rather stay here with you." The boy smiles, reaching forward and tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear. He lies down on my bed and runs his hands through his feathered hair.

I lie down next to him and rest my head on his shoulder as he starts to braid my hair, just like he always used to do in the glade.

"I'm so glad we made it here." I hear him say.

"Me too." I agree, closing my eyes. Relaxation floods over me as me as Newt intertwines the strands of hair between his fingers, sending me into a state of drowsiness.

"Now I get to spend each and every minute with you." He giggles.

"Hopefully I won't go insane." I laugh back. He playfully punches my shoulder, then continues to braid my hair, moving onto another section.

"I'm joking, Newt." I continue. "I can't wait to spend the future here in safety, with you."

"I wouldn't want it any other way." Newt says. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

"Y/N?" Thomas's voice comes from the doorway. I snap back to the present and turn over in my bed to see Thomas standing, a worried expression covering his face.

"Oh, I'm just coming." I said, trying to cover my embarrassment by slipping on my boots and walking past him out the door. But he reaches out and places his hand on my chest, stopping me from walking.

"Y/N, who were talking to?" He asks.

I don't answer, because I already know that he knows exactly who it was.

"Newt..." Thomas says. I look down at my feet and nod my head.

I hear him sigh and I instantly feel ashamed with myself.

Thomas places his hand under my chin and tilts it up so I'm looking directly at him.

"Y/N, Newt's gone, remember?" He says, his hand not leaving my chin. I wince at his words.

"I know." I say quietly.

"This isn't healthy." Thomas continues. "You can't live in the past anymore, Y/N."

"I know. It's just-" I can't finish my sentence before I start crying. I drop to my knees and bury my head in my hands, trying to stop the tears.

Thomas crouches down beside me and pulls me into his chest. He strokes my hair gently as I press my teary eyes against the cotton of his shirt.

"Y/N, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to be blunt. I know you miss him-"

"It's more than that." I sob. "Thomas, he was everything. My world. Every night in the glade I would dream about spending the rest of my life here with him. Miss doesn't even begin to explain how I feel. I feel as though my heart has been ripped out of my chest and stomped on over and over. I feel like I died alongside him back in the Last City. I know he's gone, and I know he's never coming back, ok? I just-I just need him back, Thomas. I need him with me. Even if it's fake, and even if it's only in my head, I still need him with me."

Thomas doesn't reply as I pull away from his shirt. He just offers me a weak smile.

"Y/N, he's still here."

"What? No he's-"

"Even if he's not here in person, he will always be here." His finger prods at my chest where my heart is. "He will be watching over you for ever and ever. And I can tell you now that he's so proud of you. He always has been. So, even if you don't realise it, Newt is never going to leave your side. Ever."

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