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"Y/N?" I hear Newt whisper loudly as the door to my hut creaks open. My eyes flutter open and I groan drowsily, turning over in my bed to see why he disturbed me from my sleep.

I switch on the lamp on my beside table to see the boy leaning against my doorway, smiling ear to ear. But the smile instantly droops when he sees my tired and unimpressed expression.

"Actually, don't worry. I didn't mean to disturb you. Sorry." He says quietly, turning around to leave my hut. I instantly feel bad for him, so I clamber out of my bed and walk over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder and spinning him around to face me.

"Newt, I don't want you to leave." I smile at him.

His face lights up. "Really?" He asks, "well, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go... um... stargazing with me."

He looks down at the ground with embarrassment, but I simply laugh softly and tilt his chin up.

"I would love to." I say. "What time is it?"

"2AM." Newt replies, "the prime time for stargazing. Everyone else is fast asleep right now, so it will just be us two."

"Sounds amazing. Let me just put my boots on." I say, sitting down on the edge of my bed. I slide my boots onto my foot and begin to tie up the laces as Newt waits patiently by the doorway, playing with his thumbs.

"Ok, I'm all set." I smile after tying my laces up.

"Ok, let's go." He grins, taking his hand in mine as he leads me out of my hut.

The glade is completely silent, apart from the rustles of us walking along the grass, and I can only just make out Newt's silhouette in front of me due to the early morning darkness.I tighten my grip on the boy's hand as he pulls me towards the steps of the watchtower.

"Newt, I can barely see anything." I whisper as he starts to lead me up the steps.

"Just keep holding my hand. I won't let go of you." He whispers back.

"Pretty cool, right?" He grins once we finally reach the top of the watchtower. 

We're leaning against the railing looking out over the top of the glade, far above all the huts and the kitchen on the ground. I can see straight out across the top of the maze, course it was too dark to actually see anything except the faint outline.

"Look, I brought us some things." Newt says, tugging my sleeve. He picks up a rucksack from the floor and starts unboxing the contents of it: blankets, pillows, sandwiches, strawberries, and a torch.

I smile to myself as I sit down on the blanket he's laid out for me, switching on the torch and pointing it at the rucksack so he can see better.

"Newt, this is so sweet." I say. "I can't believe you did all this for me. It's like we're on a date."

Newt blushes but doesn't say anything, just keeps unpacking until there's nothing left in the rucksack.

"Strawberry?" He says, offering me the carton of fruit. I pick one out from the top and pop it in my mouth, taking a swig from the water bottle he brought up.

"If we lie down we'll get a better view of the stars." Newt says, pulling me down as we lie flat on our backs. I gaze up at the millions of twinkling stars above me. They look like tiny white dots on a black canvas to me.

"I love stars." I say quietly, holding up my finger to trace a pattern along the stars.

"Me too." Newt replies. "Everyone else makes fun of my fascination with them, that's why they never come stargazing with me."

I break my gaze from the sky and flip onto my side, grabbing Newt's face and turning it so he's looking at me.

"I'm sorry about them, Newt. But I love stars, so I'll always come stargazing with you."

Newt's face lit up. "Thank you, Y/N. That means a lot."

I smile and reach over him to grab one of the cucumber sandwiches, biting into the soft bread as I lie back down on the blanket.

A few minutes go by, and I start to feel drowsy. My eyelids feel like they're made of bricks, and I try my best to keep myself awake, for Newt's sake.

But he notices my sleepiness and shakes my shoulder gently.

"Y/N? Are you tired?" He asks softly. "I can take you back to your hut if you want."

"No, I want to stay here with you." I say sleepily, trying to rub the tiredness out of my eyes.

Newt laughs softly and lifts my head up of the blanket and puts it on his chest, taking my hand in his.

"I'm right here." He whispers, running his fingers through my hair. "You can fall asleep
Y/N, I don't mind."

"Are you sure?" I say, feeling myself swimming in and out of consciousness.

"Of course." Newt says.

"Thank you Newt. And thank you for taking me stargazing. Can we do it again sometime?" I say, shutting my eyes.

"Of course we can." Newt whispers. "Good night Y/N." He plants a kiss on the top of my head, and I don't have time to reply before I dose off, my head resting on Newt's chest, the gentle thumping of his heartbeat echoing in my ears.

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