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Eliza sat in the small isolation cell. She wasn't crying like most eightwwn year old girls would do if they were facing 15 years in prison. 

The seriousness of the situation, hadn't made itself known in her mind yet. She knew that what she had done was bad, and she knew that it was all on her, but she couldn't believe that this was happening. She couldn't believe she was going to be imprisoned for 15 years. 

Most people would think that she had her parents to blame for her being like this, but it had nothing to do with that. Eliza had caring and loving parents, who always taught her to be nice to everybody even those who didn't deserve it, but here she was. Imagine her parents faces when the cops came to their door. 

Eliza had a plan on how to survive this mess. Staying in the background as much as possible. Maybe she would have an early release do to good behavior or some shit.

Eliza closed her eyes, she was tired. She had been sitting in the cell for two whole days and she hadn't been able to sleep, because of the stupid light that was always turned on. Hopefully that will change when she goes to gen pop. 

Eliza ran her hand over her clothes covered arm. She couldn't see nor feel the scar that covered the underside of her left arm, but it was always gonna be there as a constant reminder of what had happened that night. 

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