Chapter Four

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Eliza was sure of one thing now, when Barb tells you to do something, you do it without questioning her. 

It had been four months since Eliza first arrived in prison, and a lot had happened in those four months. 

Nicky who Eliza considered a friend, had been taken back to litchfield's minimum securety, which sucked. 

Sandy, Eliza's bunk mate had been released a couple of weeks back, due to good behavior. The only good thing about that was that now Eliza didn't have to listen to the weirdo chewing on her own hair anymore. Not only was that good for Eliza, it was also good for anybody the girl socialized with. 

Eliza haden't gotten much sleep, while she was sharing a cell with Sandy. And when Eliza don't sleep enough, she tends to get grumpy, just like everybody else on this planet. Daddy and the girls were growing tired of hearing Eliza bitching about it, and Daddy even offered to send her bunk mate to medical if it could shut Eliza up. 

Daddy and Eliza had grown close. Barb had made them work together, which Eliza wasn't very found of in the start, but now the two actually got along. 

Because of the fact that Eliza was now a part of Barb's gangm the whole D block respected her as much as they respected Barb and Daddy. Even though she had power now, she wasn't a bitch, she was tough and she did what Barb told her to do, but she didn't use her power just for fun. 

During the four months Eliza had been in prison, she only had one visitor. Her brother. He was the only person who haven't disowened her, but they didn't  want to see her while she was in prison, too bad she's gonna stay there for the next 15 years. 

Eliza walked out of her cell and into the lunch room. she quickly spotted Annalisa and some gril named Carmen, but Daddy was nowhere in sight. 

Eliza walked to the table and sat down, she wasn't hungry so she didn't bother taking any food. Carmen who had black hair that was in one big braid send Eliza a big smile. Annalisa who was the emo looking blonde also send her a little smile, but anyone with eyes could see that the smile was forced. Annalisa didn't really like Eliza, she respected her but she didn't like her. 

Annalisa had even admitted it back when Eliza first started to socialize with them. She had told her that Daddy wasn't interested in Eliza. That didn't bother her much, especially when Eliza wasn't even into girls. 

"good morning" Carmen said while she took a spoon full of whatever was on her tray. Eliza just send her a little nod while looking around in the cafeteria. Eliza spotted C.O Hellman standing by the door that seperated them from the hallway. He was already looking at Eliza and she got the hint. 

Eliza stood up and walked to the guard. He was a middle aged man, with a shaven head. He was a jerk, but he was the ticted to get their 'stuff' in here. 

"good morning, princess. What did you do with your little Daddy?" Hellman asked and Eliza rolled her eyes "i'm not her babysitter" she said and waited for what the man were really going to do. 

"against the wall, inmate" Hellman said and Eliza groaned before doing as he said. 

Eliza had been searched by Hellman before, and she hated it. He really took his time, keeping his hands on her a little longer than he needed to. 

Eliza was facing the wall while then hands of the guard, were having a tight grip on her waist. She knew why his hands were there, but it was like he was having some extra fun with her, perv. 

The hands of the guard left Eliza's body, and the footsteps of him walking away could be heard. Eliza turned around and thankfully he was gone. 

People in the lunch room wasn't paying any attention to them, so thankfully they didn't see. Eliza catched the eye of Barb who send her a nod. 

Eliza walked to the laundry room. Daddy were in there with Annalisa and Carmen who must have left the lunch room without Eliza noticing. 

"hey mama" Daddy said when she saw Eliza walking into the room. 

"hey" she said before walking into the little closet where all their cleaning equipments were. 

Eliza closed the door after her, before she opened the long end of the mop and stuffed the pills down before closing it again. Her and Daddy were the only ones who knew where Barb's stach were hidden. 

As Eliza walked out in the room again she saw that everyone were gone except for Daddy. Eliza send the girl a nod "i got the supplys" she said and Daddy send her a smile before sitting herself on the table, Eliza sitting down beside her. 

Eliza thought back to what her brother had told her a couple of days ago when he visited her. Dad is sick. 

That was the thing Eliza feared the most, something happening to anyone she loved while she was locked away. She knew that her dad didn't want to talk to her while she was in here, but she still loved him, and she was scared that he would die before she got a chance to say goodbye. 

Daddy noticed the girl beside her, were looking a little sad so she grabbed her hand. 

Eliza didn't pull her hand away, she was finding comfort in Daddy's precense "you okay, mama?" she asked and Eliza just shook her head, her eyes not leaving the floor. 

"my brother was visiting me the other day. He said my dad is sick. cancer" Eliza said her voice cracking. There were no hiding that she was sad. Her parents had always been there for her. Working hard to give her and her brother a chance to have a good life, and this is how she thank them? by getting herself in prison? 

"shit man, i'm sorry" Daddy said and squized Eliza's hand. there was no hiding what Daddy felt for the girl. Everyone could see it except for Eliza. Daddy cared deeply for the girl, and she would never let anything happen to her, but she couldn't help out in this situation, there was a lot she could do inside the prison, but when it comes to the outside, there's none. 

In that moment, both girls just sat there in silence, not aware that there were a lot bigger problems heading their whay. 

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