Chapter two

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Eliza didn't get any sleep that night. Not only because of the fact that she realized that she won't get out of this hell hole before she turns 33, but because her cell mate were chewing loudly on her own hair the entire night. 

Mixed with the disgusting sound of the chewing, Eliza's thoughts were driving her crazy. the thoughts about the small things in this world that she would be missing out on while she was imprisoned. 

Like watching her beloved nephew growing up. she wouldn't be able to be there with her family through tough times, through happy times, through any times. 

Then there was the small things that she didn't think about while she was free. The taste of real coffee, going to some crappy concert with her friends. The simple feeling of the sun on her skin when she was on a vacation with her parents, she wouldn't be able to experience any of that for a very long time. 

"Rise and shine, inmates" a voice said, Eliza didn't even get the chance to turn away from the wall, before the covers were pulled off of her. 

The guard standing in front of her was the same guard that showed her to the block the day before. It was only now that Eliza had the chance to look at the gurard's name tag. C.O Ginger. 

Eliza stifled a laugh. she had learned the hard way many years ago that you do not make fun of peoples names. apperently being named Felicia Flatworm and running around with pigtails, doesn't mean that you're a weak person. 

The said Felicia Flatworm sat down on Eliza's arm and twisted it until it broke, back in 8th grade. Yup Eliza wasn't gonna make some sneaky comment about this C.O Gingers name, if little Felicia Flatworm could break her arm, imagine what this big guard could do to her.

"woods, you got your job assigned, Laundry. you start in 20 minutes" The guard said before walking out. Eliza hurried out of the bed, today was the day she was gonna start her new life as an inmate in prison. 

After brushing her hair with a little brush she got from commissary while she was still in the isolation cells, she walked out into the lunch room. She walked to the little carts where the food were placed on yellow trays. 

Eliza was now standing in the middle og the lunch room in the awkward 'where do i sit' situation. She looked around trying to find someone who looked nice enough to approach. 

Then she spottet a girl, with light brown long frizzy hair. she was sitting at a table alone. Eliza took a deep breath before she approached the girl. 

"Can i sit here?" Eliza asked as she reached the table. the girl looked up at Eliza before gesturing with her hand to the empty chair in front of her. "Go for it" she said and Eliza was thankful that the girl said yes, or else the situation would have been even more awkward for her. 

Eliza looked at her tray. it looked disgustingm but she was hungry enough to eat it. "i'm Eliza" she said and the girl send her a smile "Nicky. so what is a pretty face like yours doing in a place like this?" Nickey asked while she used her arms to give dramatic effects. 

"Doing my time" was all Eliza said and it seemed like Nickey got the hint that she didn't want to talk about it. 

Eliza glanced around in the room, her eyes landing on a certain table. The girl with the brown and blonde hair were sitting with a bunch of girls, they were looking at the table where Eliza and Nicky were sitting. 

"it looks like Daddy is trying to recruit" Nicky muttered and Eliza looked back at her, not understanding a word she just said. "what?" she asked and Nicky send her a half smile. 

"The girl who looks like a dude, that's Daddy" Nicky said and Eliza couldn't help it, she busted out laughing. Yeah well Felicia Flatworm or Daddy, potato tomato. 

Nickey raised her eyebrows at the laughing girl in front of her "Daddy? are you for real?" Eliza asked between laughs. Nickey coudln't help but smile at the girl, she was so young and innocent looking, yet her eyes looked like they had seen some shit. 

"Yup, just stay away from her, she's bad news" Nicky said and Eliza just nodded at her, she was definitley going to take her advice. 

"That's not gonna be hard, i'm going to work in five minutes" Eliza said and Nicky looked at her before standing up. "what did you get?" she asked and Eliza scoffed, she didn't even want to work laundry. 

"Laundry" Eliza said and Nicky raised her eyebrows, "uh, the hardness just increased, Daddy is head of the laundry team" she said and Eliza looked at Nicky to see if there was any sign of her telling a joke, there wasn't, great. 

How bad could it be? 

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