I am surrounded by idiots!

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A/N: I suggest you play this song while reading. It fits!

3rd POV:

Twice and Toga were out on a mission to get all the gen ed course students out of the way. In contrary to the heroes course they were all staying together as one class all 20 people. There were two pro heroes with them Thirteen and Cementoss where with them.

While Toga wanted nothing more as to go rough and stabby stabby anyone that comes in her way, Twice was holding her back since he knew that they need to get rid of Cementoss and Thirteen.

What no one knew was that Izuku was watching them. He not only hacked into the system but he had Mei also make some drones that looked exactly like Power Loaders that were flying everywhere. He was watching them. Usagi also gave Kurogiri the mission to gather all the wounded and eliminated people and pile them up in front of the building making their game corpses spell fake!

Toga: How are we gonna get past them?

Twice: Let me handle that!

Twice than made enough clones of him and ran literally planless into the room. Izuku was watching this and only shook his head in disbelieve. He also face palmed himself and regretted sending these two alone to do the job.

Cementoss had no problem eliminating nearly every clone. What both of the heroes missed was the fact that Toga was there two. Before Twice just went off on his own she had gathered some of his blood by asking very nicely. He was willing to give it to her. Now seeing as he just ran off like an idiot, she used the blood and transformed into him. Then she mixed herself within the clones and the real Twice and went to Thirteens sight.

Thirteen was busy eliminating all the fake Twices and destroying the clones that she didn't see Toga using her stealithess and her speed to get behind the hero and rip open the heroes suit. This automatically eliminated her.

Next was Cementoss. He was too hard for both of them to win a fight against. Even while Twice had still more than 20 clones in the room that were fighting the gen ed students, he and Toga had no real chance against him.

Both villains tried their best and ran at the pro but every time they got close to him, he simply avoided the hit or just took the knife slash from toga since it didn't do any damage to him.

After countless tried both villains began to get exhausted and lost their initial speed. Seeing, as this was the perfect opportunity for the hero, he used his quirk and trapped them.

Izuku watched the whole thing and not wanting to lose any other member so soon again, he told Kurgiri to come with him. Seeing as Cementoss could manipulate any kind of concrete and his own skin being like concrete, Izuku took a sledgehammer with him.

The hero was walking toward the two trapped villains. All he was thinking was how stupid they were entering a room that had Concrete floor and not even thinking about why they were there. Since they saw what Izuku did to the hero courses in the last exercise he and thirteen where the same opinion. The gen ed course had not fucking chance against him or his team. They were both sure that he was a villain.

Kurogiri made a warp portal right behind the hero and Izuku went though, sledgehammer in his hand, he stood behind the hero.

Usagi: I would release them if I were you.

The hero froze immediately upon hearing Izukus voice. He then turned around and was meet with Izuku and a sledgehammer. HE looked prepared to beat the hell out of the hero. Since the hero already knew what the little green personification of a devil in front of him can do, he released the villains immediately.

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