A flightless Dragon = Giant Lizard

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Ryuko's POV:

I was flying across the underground town. It does surprise me that it was that big. After I dragged the two villains to Nezu's office, I came back for the story that All Might was due to give us.

However, he refused to tell us anything. We didn't had a single clue what was going on. The entire hero wanted to tell us is that he was beaten and that our opponent was very strong.

I never thought I would see the hero speak with so much venom lacing his every word. However after we left and split up to search for the villains, I quickly found Snipe. I was still curious to what happened. Nothing made sense to me. The villain's last words were stuck in my head.

What was it that we didn't know....

I landed beside Snipe.

Snipe: Ryuku, nice to see you again!

Me: Nice to see you too Snipe. I have a quick question.

Snipe: Shoot it!

Me: Hihi, well I was wondering what happened before the game.

Snipe: One of the student single handedly defeated both classes and some of the teacher like Aizawa, All Might and Vlad King.

Me: You kidding?!

Snipe: Dead Serious! That kid is terrifying! I suggest you don't mess with him and just give up when you see him.

Me: Who is it?

Snipe: His name is Izuku Midoirya part of Class 1X, hero name Deku and villain alias in this game Usagi.

Me: So that's the bunny Mic and the other one was warning us about.

Snipe: Precisely!

Me: Can you tell me what happened in details?

Snipe: On the first day he blew up some buildings and used the fire as a distraction to capture some of the heroes in the game. It turned out that he was also a perfect snipper and a master of wielding guns. That was such a surprise to me! His skills are no joke at all and I guarantee you his skills are better than mine! If you see him with a gun, you might as well give up.

Me: That good?

Snipe: He never missed his target and most of his shots were shots that would pierced right through your heart or between your eyes!

Me: Oh....

Snipe: He also sneaked up on the heroes while they were sleeping the first night. He covered the whole inside of a building with fake blood and hung one of them upside down in a room filled with civilian robots and another classmate below him with fake blood on his face.

Me: Where did he get so much fake blood?

Snipe: Nezu.

Me: And he didn't even question the kid, why he needed that much?

Snipe: Who knows what is in that rat Satan's head.

Me: Did you call him just rat Satan?

Snipe: Yep and you would too if you were there! Touch Izuku and you are dead meat for him.

Me: Ohhh....

Snipe: Anyways it was a terrifying sight even for the LOV standard!

Me: I can't imagine a hero student doing that.

Snipe: What should I say, he played his role perfectly. On the second day, Master eliminated everyone from class 1B and even hang them outside the window including Vlad King! On the third day, he tricked the Toga in believing that the traitors were snitches. The next day he got Dabi out. He is even faster and more capable then Stain. Be careful he also can emit the same aura as the hero killer if not even worse.

Usagi, the killer rabbit is back!(Part 2 of Let the Hunt begin)(No Ship)Where stories live. Discover now