~: CH 3. 'Kids are cruel.' :~

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*Y/N - POV* 

It had been a couple of days since I had been at the Weasleys, they all were so welcoming and kindhearted. Over a couple of days, I started getting closer to some of the family. Ron and I would play wizard chest together when everyone was busy, he was very good at it which was annoying when I only won once against him. I got closer to Harry as well talking about our pasts and how Sirius was, I always felt for Harry I knew how he felt. 

I got on with Bill and Charlie as well, Charlie would flirt with me but I knew he didn't feel that way he would joke and laugh but not really meaning it. He'd always say it was to get a reaction from Fred which he claimed liked me but I didn't believe him. Bill was always polite with me and would talk about his job and all of his stories from his travels it was inspiring. Bill would flirt as well I think it was the same reason as Charlie but it still made me flustered. I had never gotten this attention from boys in the past so this was all new to me.

I got on with their mum and dad always asking if I was okay if I was alone or wanted some time. Molly always understood, but we would end up sitting down most of the time and having a cup of tea looking back at the old family albums. A couple of photos of me were in it with Dad and Sirius, they were before he was arrested. There were some of Harry's parents and friends, it looked like a big group of friends however the last part of the photo has been torn or cut off. I questioned Molly but she would shrug and say. 

"Nothing to worry about dear. Biscuit." I always was suspicious and wanted to know, I sent a letter to Dad but he would tell me to stop questioning him about it. I didn't ask Sirius because I knew it would get back to Dad. 

I started to get on with Ginny, when I first got here I thought she wouldn't like me. Even though she was a few years younger she was quite mature for her age. We would talk about boys and general girl stuff. She would ask me to do her makeup and hair but wipe it away before anyone else saw. She would say. 

"Mum says I'm too young for it." She would shrug and leave. I knew what she meant, I think I only started because of everyone else in my year. I would ignore it and carry on talking with her about other things. She would ask who I liked, and I would tell her no one but she didn't believe it. I knew who I liked but he didn't like me back and didn't know I existed until this week. I didn't want to get my heart broken so I just pushed the feelings away knowing that he was in the next room to me. 

Knowing that he was in the next room was more of a worry, for some reason he made me more nervous and shy even before I met him. I couldn't function without my voice breaking or me saying or doing something stupid in front of him. The only time he talked to me was once in potions when he asked for some of my newt's eyes, I panicked and messed up my potion, it exploding into my face. Of course, everyone around me laughed even Fred so I just gave up on him and my chances with him. 

Now it was hard to settle, he was there with his brother wanting to know me. At first, I thought it was either my dad's or Molly's idea, so I agreed. The reason I thought it was my dad more, that when he taught last year I spent most of my time with him. Either in his office or his living quarters. He would always tell me to spend time with my friends I would shrug it off and say they were busy. It was that until he realised I didn't have any. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I would sit alone with a book and some cassette player headphones either in the library or the black lake. 

At first, he thought it was an off day until he noticed me looking back at Fred and George's group of friends, they didn't notice but he did. He notices sometimes I would try and speak but then give up and left the hall. He felt like pushing people on me but he knew I wouldn't like that. So he ignored it I guess you could say, it didn't help matters when news came about him being a werewolf. He received a letter from me about people howling at me and putting dog food in my food. Eventually, I didn't eat in the great hall. I would go to Hagrids and eat with him, he didn't mind he liked the company. In the end, the teasing was enough for me so I asked the professors and dad to pick me up early. They did agree due to being one of the brightest witches in my year and because they felt bad, I didn't want them to though.

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