~ CH 10. A long week. ~

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I sat in the carriage of the Hogwarts Express, I sat with Fred and George close by. They both sat with their friends swapping stories about their summers while I sat thinking about the past week and trying to remember that night and the man's face. 

I looked out the window thinking of what transpired the week earlier when I woke up. It turned out I woke a couple of hours after I got carried back home by Charlie who had found me with Fred. That week Molly had mothered me back to health, well back to a stable state. Dad and Sirius never left my side taking shifts on who would sleep and who'd stay with me. It pained me to see them like that, and everyone else around me. 

That night Molly had changed my bandage cleaning down the wound, I glanced at my wrist seeing the word echt on my skin. 'Mudblood'. I had only heard it in passing from people at school. But now to be labelled in a way was more terrifying. I asked Molly to pack extra bandages so I could keep it covered even though the papers had already run with the story. 

Dad of course was not happy, shouting on the phone to the press. He went to the press to complain to Reeter Skeeter but she didn't care, only if it made her money that was all she cared for. The after she made another article about Dad and the history of me and my family. Everyone kept that paper from me not allowing me to see them. 

I was still in a trance when I felt a soft hand on mine. "How are you Y/N?" I looked up seeing Angelina looking back at me with sadness in her eyes. 

"I'm fine." She didn't believe me as a reassured her. "Really I am." She sighed and patted my hand in sympathy as she carried on talking with the rest of her friends. I stay in that position looking out the window and waiting for the train to stop. 

Eventually, it did and Fred helped me up off the carriage carrying my bag as i struggles with the crutches. We all piled off the train surrounded by everyone rushing for the carriages. I started to panic with the hordes of kids when Fred placed a hand on my shoulder. "Dont worry. I'm here." He said walking with me to the carriage as his friends walk off in front. 

"You can walk with them if you want," I said struggling on the uneven ground. 

"We're not in a rush, I don't mind." He said as his friends started to slow down for us to catch up. 

"When we have a chance can I have a go on them?" Lee pointed at my crutches. I laughed as Angelina hit him in the shoulder. 

"That's not funny."

"What? She's laughing." 

"You can but you need to bring them back. Can't walk if not."

"Yesss! See I knew she'd be funny." He said walking alongside me, as we arrived at the carriages. 

Fred helped me on first holding my back steady as everyone else waited patiently. Fred sat down next to me as I began to get tired, he let me rest my head against his shoulder as the carriage started to move along. 

Once we all arrived at the castle Angelina helped me off the carriage with Fred close behind me

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Once we all arrived at the castle Angelina helped me off the carriage with Fred close behind me. We all walked to the hall seeing it almost all full of students. We quickly found seats for us all to sit just as I heard some howl at the Slytherin table. Some people in the hall laughed as I put my head down as Fred placed a soft hand on my lower back. "Twats." He mumbled in my ear making me laugh quietly. 

We all sat there eating dinner seeing people from our table and the other tables glancing our way like they were at a zoo. Alicia was the first one to spot it. "Why's grease ball staring so much?" She said nodding at the Slytherin table. 

A few glanced back seeing Malfoy staring back into my soul as I quickly turned back to the table. I shrugged. "Don't know." 

Then it was more obvious people were staring and whispering. So looked back with sadness, but some were plain bullying laughing back at me. 

"Oi stop staring!" Fred shouted at some Hufflepuff guys looking back at me. "Creeps." He said turning back to his dessert. Rubbing some bare skin that peeks out from under my shirt. 

"When will they let us leave?" I mumbled to Fred feeling tired. 

"Soon I hope." 

Dumbledore finally dismissed us for the night. We all sighed with relief walking back to the dorms the long way to avoid people. 

"I always forget how nice the school is a night," Katie said walking with the girls before me. 

"Yeah hides all the rats and all the cracks in the wall." George laughed making her scoff and roll her eyes. 

"I was just saying it's nice and peaceful for once."

"I just hope this year will be easier." I sighed mostly to myself. 

"Same." Angelina sighed as we made it to the dorms. "I going to bed anyone coming up."

"I'll come," I said feeling my eyes beginning to droop. 

"Come on." She said as Fred stood up as well. 

"What are you doing? You can't go up there." I said as he started helping me towards the dorm. 

"I just thought..." Fred said pointing up to the dorm. 

"Dont worry I'll help her," Angelina said as I laughed at Fred's pout. 

"Dont worry. I'll see you tomorrow. Night guys."

"Night!" All the guys said as all the girls left for bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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