~: CH 5. 'I look like this every morning.' :~

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~ Y/N's - POV ~

I wake to a loud knocking on the door, I turn over not being able to open my eyes. It was still dark outside I couldn't pay attention to what was going off. I hear Ginny snoring next to me, I knew she didn't hear it but I did. I heard the knocking again, it was louder this time as the door rattled at the hinges. I push myself out of bed not wanting to deal with this at this time in the morning. I open the door to Molly smiling back at me. 

"Morning dear, can you wake up Ginny? You're leaving soon." I nod still feeling dead to the world. She smiles back at me. "Get ready breakfast will be soon." She leaves as I walk to the bathroom to get ready. It felt colder than it had been for a while, it felt nice instead of burning in the sun. 

~ Y/N's Outfit ~

As I got ready I went down to the kitchen, I see Fred and George leaning against their hands trying to keep their eyes open

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As I got ready I went down to the kitchen, I see Fred and George leaning against their hands trying to keep their eyes open. 

Molly turns back at me and smiles. "Morning!" I didn't understand how she could be this cheerful this early in the morning. 

Y/N: "Morning." I say sitting down opposite Fred and George. Fred looked up at me with tired puffy eyes and yawned. 

Fred: "Mornin'." He says stretching as he stood up, George mumbled into the table moaning about getting up so early. I laugh at him, it wasn't normal to see them so quiet. Fred placed a tea in front of me and gave me a tired smile. I thank him and sip it quietly, trying not to wake George up off the table. Fred had sort of waking up, but we still stayed in silence. That was until we heard running downstairs. 

I saw a girl I recognised from school, I knew she was friends with Harry and Ron but I didn't know her personally. She smiles back at me and sticks out her hand to me.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Hermione." I shake her hand and smile back. 

Y/N: "Y/N." 

 "Oh right you're in Fred and George's year, aren't you? Professor Lupin your dad." I nod knowing that people still remembered that. "It's a shame he won't be there anymore, he was a great teacher." She smiles back with sympathy. 

"Merlin, he's not dead." He mumbles into his tea. I smirk back at him as Hermoine rolled her eyes and stood up again. 

"I'm going to wake them two up again." She says walking away. 

"Fred will you just leave her alone," Molly says facing back at us. Fred smirked back at me as everyone eventually arrived in the kitchen. No one could stay awake everyone just sat there staring down at the table not talking. I had woken up by now and so was Fred, but so was Charlie. How this man had energy this early in the morning, I don't know. 

Charlie waltzed over to me with a menacing smile. I look back a little concerned as he sat down next to me. "Mornin', don't you look beautiful this morning." He says while placing his arm on the back of my chair. 

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