~: Ch 9. 'Mudblood'. :~

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Back in the tent, the excitement had taken over everyone everyone was screaming and singing as we all sat watching Ron make a fool of himself. "There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist." 

The twins are bumbling about in a comical way muttering 'KRUMMMM'. As everyone laughed at them "Think you're in love Ron?" I said walking past him and mocking him as the Twins started to sing. 

"Viktor I love you! Viktor I do!" When Harry and the rest of the boys join in. "When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" The singing gets interrupted by more screaming but the screams were more of terror than joy. 

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." Fred laughs not hearing the cries as I did. 

"Stop! Stop it. It's not the Irish." We all look back in panic as Arthur shouted ever us all. "We've gotta get out of here. Now." We all rushed out feeling the heat of the flames and the screams of poor wizards running from the danger. 

 "Get back to the portkey everybody, and stick together. Fred, George... Ginny is your responsibility. Charlie takes Y/N and their lot with you as well." He said running off into the thick of it with other wizards from the ministry. Charlie grabbed my hand running ahead and pulling me along, his other hand gripped tightly onto his wand. He tried to push people out of the way just as tonnes of people knock me from his hand. I landed hard on the mud being trampled by people not seeing me in panic. A wizard ran over me, their foot landing on my head knocking me out only to see some figures in pointed hoods carrying flaming torches walking across the campsite chanting ominous noises. 


I woke up. The field was silent as I sat up hissing at the pain in my head. I looked around, tents had been completely burned by the men with torches. I then heard the sound of footsteps running around me, I then saw a man appear from behind one of the tents standing in the opening directly above me. I sat back looking him in the eyes too scared to look away from his soulless eyes. 

"What do we have here?" He said in a gravelly voice kicking my head back to the ground. "Mudblood no doubt." He pressed more with his foot as I whimpered and cried in pain from his foot. He breathed through his mouth and laughed watching me struggle and cry. He didn't say anything as he lifted his wand up to me and shouted "Crucio." and laughed as I screamed in pain. 

It felt like thousands of hot knives were stabbing every inch of my body. I tried to scream and cry out as I squirmed as he fired cast more shots at me. I twist and convoluted at the pain in my body. He continued to laugh as he started to swish his wand like he was writing something. I suddenly felt a slicing pain along my forearm. I could see what it was. I felt the pain and the blood pouring down my arm. 

I felt like I was dying as my vision became dark and blurry again still haunted by his laughter until it stop replaced with footsteps coming towards the tents. He cast one more shot into my chest feeling the hot knives again. Tears pour down my cheeks, the man ran away probably to find his next victim. 

A moment later a bright light shot into the sky lighting the camp up, all I saw was when I felt fingers again my neck and a hand cupping my cheek. Whoever it was saw the pain in my eyes and the plead for help as they pick me up walking off somewhere as I passed from exhaustion.


Yet again I woke to a pounding in my head, I felt like I was going to be sick as I sat up regretting it instantly. I heard rushing around me as I felt someone place a bucket under me as I threw up. It was nothing but bile. The taste and the pain made me throw up again as someone gagged at the sound. I felt a warm hand rub my back as it kept coming. After a few minutes, I pulled away heavily breathing lying back on the pillow. I looked up to see the wood ceiling of the Weasleys, I thought it was a dream for a second when I felt a hand hold mine, I looked over seeing the face of dad. His eyes were sore from crying and he had fresh wounds from a full moon, he held out his other hand cupping my face seeing the pain that man had caused me. 

He silently sobbed cupping my weak hand in both of his and bringing it to his lips, I felt tears run down my face as dad breathed in trying to keep a strong face for me. I felt sick again as I tried to sit up, people rushed to me trying to help me as dad helped me lean back again the pillows. I looked up seeing everyone around me staring at me all more scared than the next, i looked down seeing my wrist wrapped in a bandage with a little bit of blood seeping through. No one spoke everyone kept their heads down not wanting to see what was in front of them, i looked in the corner seeing Fred leaning forwards with his head in his hands with George rubbing his back in comfort. 

What had actually happened that night?

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