Bonus chapter: The wedding

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The messenger stopped his horse at the bottom of the hill, from which the North Fort overlooked. This fort was one of the places where the best soldiers were trained, and it was led by General Gold. He checked that he still had the letter, an old habit he had developed after one of his colleagues had been imprisoned after he had lost a letter of the utmost importance in the tavern, and he had gone without it in front of the receiver.

The messenger arrived in the fort, almost immediately a guard questioned him, and he led him to the stable. After stating his identity and the reason why he was there, he was shown the way to the general's office.

A guard was on duty outside the door, the messenger announced "A letter for the general."

Someone inside spoke, "Let him in." The guard opened the door, and let the messenger in. The room had several desks, most of them unoccupied, except for one on the right, and the one at the back, much larger than the others it was undoubtedly the general's.

General Gold Rouge, named after her grandmother, and second child of the ex-king Gold Ace, watched the messenger advance to her office. He wore the colors of the Moby kingdom, black and purple, and a brooch with the emblem of the royal family, indicating that he was a royal messenger. Rouge raised an eyebrow, she didn't see what a royal messenger from Moby had to do with her.

"General." The messenger greeted her "I have a letter for you." He said as he handed her the letter.

"Who is the sender?"

"It is Gold Ace, General."

"I see. Lieutenant, take mister, he must be starving and exhausted from the long ride."

"I have been ordered to await your reply, General."

"I'll take note of that." Red looked out the window. "I will relay the answer to you tomorrow, so please use this time to rest, messenger."

"Yes, General."

After the messenger and the lieutenant left, Rouge took the letter opener, and carefully opened the envelope. She rarely heard from her family, since the fort was much further north of the capital; the last letter her father had sent her, announced that he was leaving to live in Moby to join someone dear to him, Marco, Red remembered.

She read the letter slowly and carefully, and smiled; it was good news. The lieutenant returned to his office after he led the messenger to the mess hall and told him where he could go to sleep.

"Lieutenant, I'm going to have to be away from the fort for two to three weeks." Red read the letter again quickly, "In six weeks."

"Right, General."


Hayden was in the middle of class when Hippolyte came storming into the courtyard. He did not disturb him and waited for him to finish his explanation.

After Hayden finished his demonstration and let his students pair up to practice, he joined his husband.

"Hip, what's going on?"

Hippolyta handed him a letter and said, "We got a letter from Dad."

Realizing that Hippolyta wanted him to read the letter, Hayden took it from his hands and began reading. When he read the last paragraph, Hayden raised his head abruptly and turned to Hippolyte. "Your father got engaged?!!" He said incredulously.

"Yeah, Marco proposed to him, and the wedding is scheduled for seven weeks from now. We'll have to leave a week before, but we're invited, Charles and Rouge too." Hippolyte exclaimed happily, it had been a long time since he had seen Rouge, and he was sure she wouldn't miss their father's wedding.

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