Day 1

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"Have you everything for the deal, Father?"

Marco sighed, it was the third time his oldest son was asking him. "Yes, I have everything. You need to calm down."

"Calm down!" Edward retorted "If we don't conclude this deal with Raftel, half of the people won't survive the winter!"

"Edward, you already had concluded the deal. Raftel needs to make this deal as much as us." Marco reasoned. He saw one of the servants making a sign, behind his son, that every luggages was in the carriage. Marco put his hands on Edward's shoulders "In one week Raftel king will sign the contract. Everything will be fine" He kissed his forehead before he got in the carriage. "Take care of you, Ed."

"I will Father." The young king promised.


Marco looked by the windows, the landscapes passed before his eyes. He and his travel neighbor had left three hours ago from Moby capital, and they haven't spoken a word to each other. Not that wouldn't have been pleased Marco, but the man alternated between looking away from Marco, and playing with his hands. Okay, maybe having his sword beside him wasn't the best move, if Marco wanted to have a polite conversation with his neighbor, Marco thought when he saw for the umpteenth time the guy's eyes flickered to the weapon. Marco knew the road to Loguetown, the capital of Raftel kingdom, most of the road was safe except for some passages in the mountains and forests.

"What's your name?" Marco asked, trying to begin a conversation.

The young man jumped, surprised that Marco spoke finally to him "I'm sorry your majesty, I didn't hear what you said"

"What's your name?" Marco asked again

"Godric, your majesty."

"Okay, Godric. So two things, first don't call me 'your majesty' I'm not king anymore. And second, relax. I have my sword with me, just in case we encounter problems in the road."


"Have you gone to Loguetown before?"

"Yes, I studied there for four years."

"Oh, you didn't study at the royal university?"

"No, I studied medicine and Raftel had the best doctors known. It was only naturally that I asked to study there."

"Wait, did you meet the previous king?"

"Yes, I already met Ace"

They continued to talk about Raftel's culture with Marco correcting some facts that Godric had learned, then the discussion deviated on Godric's position as ambassador.

They dozed off afterward, only to be woken up by the surrounding sound of the city of Ohara. It was still clear, so Marco decided to go around the bookstores to find something to read during the rest of the trip.

Ohara was a university town, so there were a lot of students and professors in the streets enjoying cheap beers at the numerous pubs the town had, or having their noses buried in a book at one of as the numerous bookstores.

Marco entered in one on the main road; He walked through the shelves and found two books: one concerning the different methods to use against poisons and the other on the new surgeries. Not really a light reading to pass time in the carriage but it will be perfect when he would be at Loguetown.

He went to another bookstore where he bought a tale and fiction books. He took another one, 'Mores and traditions of Raftel', he smiled at the memory when he found it. Marco decided to offer it to Godric, it would be useful for him. When he returned to the inn, the dinner was served.


Sat by the windows, Marco alternated between looking outside and staring at the books posed on his knees. 'Mores and traditions of Raftel' He put his hand on the covers. The bittersweet memory came back, after all everything had begun with this book.

Marco was sitting in a room waiting for the king Roger to come; one of the servants had informed him that the king was held elsewhere for now, and that he apologized for being late. Marco had smiled and assured that it was alright and that the king could take all his time.

The servant had offered him a tea that she put on the table in front of him while Marco opened his book and began to read. He was in the third chapter when someone spoke up beside him.

"What are you reading?"

Marco flinched and looked up to the person who had spoken. Younger than Marco of one or two years, thick black hair surrounding silver eyes. The loose shirt that he was wearing did nothing to hide his well-built body, but accentuated it. Marco thought he saw freckles on his nose and cheeks, but in the room not so well illuminated, he couldn't be sure.

Marco showed him the cover of his book. "Mores and traditions of Raftel" the man read. "You know if you want to learn more about our customs, you should go in town they are preparing the spring festival"

"Oh really? I will try to go"

"You definitely should, there are plenty of show displays, and there is a lot of food cooked especially for the festival" The man said dreamily "If you need a guide, I'm happy to accompany you, ..."

"Marco. My name is Marco"

The man extended his hand to shake his. "I'm Ace."

The honey donuts had been delicious.

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