Day 2

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Godric and Marco had been on the road for three hours ; the drivers had insisted on leaving at dawn in order to be sure to pass the mountain pass before dark. Godric went back to sleep as soon as the carriage set off; So it was only after he woke up that Marco gave him the book that he had bought him.

"Oh that's interesting" Godric exclaimed "Peoples of Raftel have a necklace who when given to someone show their love and devotion for them"

Marco didn't respond, but smiled to Godric who had already buried back his nose in the book. His hand mechanically touched the necklace Marco had under his shirt; Even separated by the fabric Marco could feel the edges smoothed by time.

"Marco!" Ace called him when he entered the library; it was a good thing that nobody was there apart from Marco. Ace found him surrounded by books.

Marco looked up to him, when he approached "Ace you shouldn't yell in the library"

"I know but I have something for you" Ace replied "I saw it and thought it was perfect for you"

Marco took what Ace was giving him and examined it. It was a necklace made of a simple leather cord and with a phoenix for pendant. He raised an eyebrow and looked up at Ace "Are you proposing to me?"

"What! No, I just thought" Ace flushed at Marco's remark "I just thought that you would like one since everyone had one" He explained touching his own necklace.

"I know, I was just pulling your leg" Marco laughed and then put on the necklace, after he calmed himself.

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