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Heeseung's POV

"Hi guys, Oh a new face and a girl !! Hi my name is Song Nara, you can call me Unnie." Ara looked extremely flustered at our choreographers antics, she was probably not used to being greeted like this as a trainee.

It took us boys a couple of hours to get used to her too, we had three dance practices with her already this week. But she was always just as bubbly.

"What's your name sweetie?" Nara asked the young girl.

"My name is Ara". Nara was shocked when the in ear translated what Ara was saying to her.

"Ahh, you're foreign!! I see well I hope these boys will help you with your Korean." Nara replied whilst pointing her finger at us boys who watched their interaction. "Right we were going to go over some of the choreography from i-land but since you won't know them Ara-ssi we will do something different." Nara went on to say.

"Actually I do know some of the choreography from i-land me and my friend Eunjoo learnt them after we watched the show." Ara spoke up confidence evident in her voice.

"Ooo really, you know the choreography, but they were so hard!" I exclaimed shocked at the confession.

"Not really, it did take a while to get the technique properly but once we got that down it became a lot easier. I must admit though when there were parts in the show that showed you guys breaking down the moves to each other it helped us learn the moves too." Ara replied.

"Okay then Ara why don't you show us a part of one of the dances, I need to see what you have got anyway to know what I am working with." Nara replied.

Ara walked to the middle of the room and then towards the speaker to find the song.

"You boys can sit at the front, you know these dances like the back of you hand so I want you to evaluate as well as me." Nara added.

Just as we was about to start the second verse Nara paused the music.

"You can stop there. Well done I have to say I am very impressed. Now boys anything to say?" Nara complimented the girl before turning her to us.

I sat there with my mouth open in shock, how did she learn that dance in that much detail ? I looked to my right to see all the boys staring at the small girl with shock ridden on their faces as well.

"What cat got you tongue? Come in guys she needs some constructive criticism." Nara explained.

Jake's POV

"You did really well, your technique was really good on most parts one thing I would say is that you just need to clean up your lines when you did the jump because your balance went a little bit over to the left." Niki stated.

"Yeah you were so cool!!." Sunghoon added.

"Maybe you could work on your facial expressions a bit more, you kept smiling but I think that's because you were nervous." Sunoo said.

Ara just smiled and nodded at the notes she was given by the rest of the members.

"Wow those are the nicest critiques I have ever had." She blushed.

"Well you did really well to say that was probably the hardest dance we had to do, how long did it take you to learn it?" Jungwon asked.

"About 3 hours?" Ara questioned herself "Maybe less." She added.

"You did really well, your technique is at such a good standard if you only learnt that in 3 hours, when did you learn it may I ask?" Nara inquired.

"Ummm, me and Eunjoo learnt it about 2 days ago, we had finished all of our dances so wanted to learn something new and we had just finished watching the final episode seen as we had a busy training scheduled this week." Ara replied with a little nod of her head.

When she mentioned Eunjoo's name her smile seemed to drop, that must have been the other girl who ran out of the room.

"Well I sure am impressed and by the looks of the boys they were too. We will stick with I&credible for today then." Nara nodded at us as we stood up and got into some sort of formation.

♡ 2 hours later ♡

We had just finished our dance practice and were told by a member of staff that we could go back to the dorm now.

"Oh right, you probably need to go and get your stuff from your old dorm, your moving in today." Heeseung said whilst looking at Ara in the mirror.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Would one of you mind coming with me, you don't have to it's just Eunjoo will be there and the last time I saw her she was shouting at me." Ara replied.

"How about Sunghoon and I come with you, then the rest of the boys can make sure the dorm is welcoming enough?" I asked the small girl who stood looking up at me.

"I would like that." She replied with a small smile on her face.

Sunghoon's POV

We all went our separate ways, the other boys in the car to our dorm while Jake, Ara and I walked to Ara's dorm as it was only a couple of streets away from the building.

"Here we are, let me just put the code in." Ara said whilst looking back at us.

She started typing a code in, her tongue sticking out slightly when she tried to open the door, but to her shock the door didn't budge.

"Thats strange, let me try again." Ara muttered to herself but the translator device voiced it loud to Jake and I.

I looked over at Jake confusion evident on both of our faces as the teenage girl infront of us started to panic when the door wouldn't open for the second time.

"Hey, it's okay. Are you sure you put the code in correctly?" I asked her, taking her hand away from the door handle and holding onto it.

"Yeah, how could I forget the code? I have lived here for 9 months now." The girl frantically replied.

"How about we try and knock, your normal practice session would be over now wouldn't it so Eunjoo will most likely be home right?" Jake asked.

Ara nodded in response to Jakes question and stepped back as Jake step up towards the door. He knocked lightly and to our surprise the door opened to reveal the girl we had seen earlier.

"Hi, you must be Eunjoo-ssi, Ara is here to get her things. She is moving into our dorm with us." Jake explained to the girl who stood firmly in the doorway.

"Yeah, I know. I packed your stuff for you. Here." Eunjoo spoke coldly towards Ara whilst shoving the suitcase into her arms "And don't try and come back, I changed to code for the door anyway." She added, shutting the door again.

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