Part One: Savior

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A world just like our own...

Yet different in every way...

You will become our savior...


"Sir," a girl with glasses and navy blue hair says, holding a clipboard. She appeared to be quite panicked. "We've just received word that Kanata-san isn't at her home!"

"So, not even the heavens are safe..." a middle aged man pondered, folding his hands as he leaned forward in his chair, "What's going on with them...?"


Ito Nozomi woke from his short doze, wondering where he was. He checked the digital clock near his bed. 12:00 A.M. Wow, I was out for that long? he pondered, quite astonished. He rubbed his eyes, put on his black-framed glasses, and checked his phone. It displayed a "No Service" message. Wait, what? he thought, Is something wrong with the Wi-Fi? Still somewhat confused, he looked out the window, opening the curtains. What he sees definitely woke him up, and it's a sight he'll never forget. Twisted trees devoid of life, dark cloudy skies, and red grass covered in gray sand were just a few of the horrifying sights he peered at through his window. Nozomi's breathing became more rapid and unsteady as he gazed at the place he found himself in. "W-what the hell...?" he said to himself, blinking a few times to make sure he wasn't imagining things. He closes the curtains, still in shock. Many thoughts raced through his head, but he decided he had to investigate, no matter how scared he was of the predicament he was in. He gulped, opened the door, and after much deliberation, took a step onto the red grass. He shuddered, then continued forth, hoping to find someone or something to aid him.

The more he travelled through this twisted world, the more he wanted to go back into his room. Enigmatic rock formations and what looked like blood splatters on the mangled trees spread throughout the path spurred Nozomi's fight-or-flight, but he pressed on, determined to find an explanation as to what's going on. Before long, the teen reached a small shack. Curious, he went inside, hoping to find something of use. Hell, maybe someone's taking shelter in there. "Hello, is anyone there?" he knocked. No response, as expected. He checked a nearby window, and no one appeared to be home. He twisted the doorknob to the entrance of the shack, and it was loose. He enters the shack, finding a small bed, a wardrobe with a few changes of clothes, and a computer with a cracked screen. Nothing useful, he thought to himself, as he turned to continue on his trail. Just then, Nozomi heard rustling in the nearby bushes outside. Puzzled, he went to take a look, peering over the jet-black leaves. As soon as he did, a creature with red eyes, black fur, and a white mane pounced on him. He gasped, as the lion-like beast bore its fangs at his flesh. Is this it...? Nozomi asked himself, quivering at the thought of his death and closing his eyes.


A sword sliced through the massive monster, sending its head flying. Nozomi quickly opened his eyes, realizing he had been saved from certain death. He took a good look at his savior. He was a boy looking to be not much older than himself, with pure white hair, orange eyes, and a blank expression. He wore a green kimono and brown sandals, and had a sheath for his greatsword on his back. He looked down at Nozomi, who still looked quite astonished that he was able to evade death. The white-haired boy offered his hand to Nozomi, not saying a word. Nozomi reached for and grabbed the hand, helping him regain his balance. However, the boy didn't let go of his hand. He looked at Nozomi, dead in the eye.

"The contract has been sealed."

Burning pain seared through Nozomi's hand, travelling through his arm and permeating his entire body. As it slowly reached his brain, he lost consciousness.

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