Part Twenty: Look At Us

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Four days remain.


Nozomi woke up from his long slumber. Tiredly rubbing his eyes, he quickly realized his headache was gone. Grinning, he rose to his feet and dressed himself in his green kimono. He then took his sheath with sword within, strapping it onto his back.

"Not in the talkative mood today?" Tamashi asked.

You could say that, Nozomi thought, I just wanna get to the Mirror.

"You're such a workaholic, man," Tamashi sighed, "Whenever we can't go to the Mirror, you get antsy as hell..."

I know, but... Nozomi reasoned, What if someone's dying out there while we're just chilling up where it's safe? It barely seems fair, doesn't it?

"I think I see what happened here," Tamashi said, "You got a serious case of survivor's guilt when you saw Anemachi die, didn't you?"

Survivor's guilt...? Nozomi thought, You... may be right about that. I do feel quite guilty about what happened to her. And that's why I want to save everyone. I don't want anyone to get hurt anymore. I have the power to help those that can't help themselves. May as well make use of it.

"That's noble, I suppose," Tamashi pondered, "But don't let it get to your head."

I won't, I won't, Nozomi shook his head, softly grinning and walking out the door.


Nozomi quickly began to make his way to the Cover Corporation offices, but was interrupted by a sort of black cloud appearing in the ground. This black cloud erupted upwards, making a door-like shape, and a certain pink-haired reaper emerged from it.

"Calliope, hello," Nozomi waved.

"Nozomi," Calliope said cooly, "I've got a reaper on our side that'll help us with the rescue mission. His name is Watanabe Shin. He's a little rough on the edges and sometimes overly enthusiastic, but he's a man you can trust."

"That's great to hear," Nozomi smirked, "The more help we can get, the better."

"Agreed," Calliope smirked in return, "Oh, by the way..."

"Hm? What's up?" Nozomi asked.

"You can call me Calli," Calliope blushed, quickly turning and walking towards the offices.


Arriving in the offices along with Calliope, Nozomi caught three different sets of eyes, those being of a light pink-haired girl with an orange and blue dress with a bell around her neck, a black-haired boy with distinct purple eyes and a purple and black coat that was playing a guitar, and a light-pink haired boy with green eyes and a large amount of necklaces and bracelets. Nozomi went over to greet them.

"Hello, everyone," he waved, "We've never formally met. I'm Ito Nozomi."

"Ah, Nozomi-kun," the pink-haired boy waved, "I'm Rikka, an android created for Holostars. It's good to meet you."

"It's good to see you all fixed up, Rikka," Calliope grinned.

"Definitely," Rikka nodded, "If being shut down is what death feels like to humans, I have a whole new respect for them."

"I'm Momosuzu Nene! But you can call me Nenechi!" the bell-clad girl beamed towards Nozomi, "You wouldn't happen to want to be one of my husbands, would you?"

"Wh- husbands?!" Nozomi stammered, somewhat flustered. Nene laughed, pointing at the boy.

"You're funny, Nozomi!" Nene cried out. The black-haired boy finally finished the song he was playing on his guitar, looking up to face Nozomi.

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