Part Seventeen: Matrimony

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"Today's the big day, my guy," Tamashi said to Nozomi, "Got any butterflies in your stomach?"

You ask me that as if I'm the one getting married, Nozomi shook his head.

"That could be soon, depending on how fast you decide to get with Roboco-chan," Tamashi teased.

You know, I never should've admitted that I liked Roboco, Nozomi groaned.

"Seriously though, you ready for this?" Tamashi asked, "If I've combed your memories right, you've never been to a wedding before, let alone being a best man."

Since when do you have access to my memories?! Nozomi snapped, No snooping around in my mindscape!

"Ugh, it gets boring in here though," Tamashi whined.

Wasn't my choice that you decided to merge with me, Nozomi retorted, walking out the door.


Arriving at the small chapel posted on the invitation, Nozomi walked up to a side door. Opening it, he found a certain shark girl.

"Nozomi, hey," she waved, smiling. She was wearing a dark suit with a blue bowtie, with her short light blue hair combed down.

"Gura," Nozomi waved back, "How are you feeling?"

"Nervous as hell," she admitted, "I'm probably gonna throw up."

"Haha, that's fair," Nozomi chuckled.

"Oh yeah, your suit is in the next room over," Gura pointed to a spare nearby room.

"Alright, thanks," Nozomi thanked, walking to the aforementioned room. Flicking a lightswitch, he found a black suit with white accents and a green tie. Taking off his clothes and trying on the suit, he grinned, finding it to be exactly his size.

"How the hell did she know my size...?" Nozomi chuckled, fumbling with the sleeves for a moment. Smirking, he left the room. He found Gura, as well as 4 other girls, those being Calliope, Roboco, Lamy, and Ollie, all wearing suits similar to Nozomi's, apart from differently colored ties. He went over to greet them.

"Hey, best man," Calliope addressed.

"Hey everyone," Nozomi waved, "I assume you'll all be walking the aisle with Gura?"

"That's right," Lamy nodded, smiling sweetly.

"Oh, hang on Nozomi," Roboco interrupted, going up to the teen, "Your tie's a bit loose..."

"O-oh, thank you, Roboco-chan," Nozomi thanked, blushing ever so slightly as the robot girl straightened his tie.

"Damn, I remember when Gura and Ame first got together," Calliope reminisced, "It hasn't actually been terribly long ago, but it feels like they've known each other for forever. I wonder why that is..."

"Hey Nozomi, what do you say we get married next?" Ollie went up to the boy flirtatiously.

"I-I thought I told you I had eyes for someone else!" Nozomi stepped back, the blush on his face only growing.

"Hahahah, I know!" Ollie laughed, "I'm only teasing."

"Were you really though, Ollie?" Calliope questioned, a light smirk appearing on her face.

"Well..." Ollie thought for a moment, her grin only widening as time passed, "Only kind of."


The time for the wedding had come, and Nozomi was all sorts of nervous. Swallowing his fear, he went to the front of the line of girls and glanced to his right. There, he noticed a similarly long line with Suisei at the front and Kiara, Botan, Polka, and Aloe following her. They were all wearing elegant blue dresses, with a white lace on their waist. Kiara waved at the boy eagerly. He waved back, chuckling, which helped to ease the fear he was feeling. The doors opened, and, with one final gulp, he began to walk down the aisle, leading the members of Hololive to the side of the chancel. Suisei did the same, leading her group to the adjacent right side of the chapel. And, as the organ began to play a familiar tune, the two walked down the aisle together, Gura in a black tuxedo with a blue tie and Amelia in a white wedding dress with a red lace. They made their way to the front of the chancel, their eyes fixed onto each other. Enma walked up to the girls, presumably to officiate the marriage.

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