Part Thirty-One: Welcome to the Felony Club

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Rushia stumbled to her feet and looked onwards. Nothing but a white expanse of nothingness. She confusedly began readying her necromantic magic, quickly turning her head from left to right. Nothing was there. Her heartbeat began to normalize as she let her guard down. She grimaced.

"Where is everybody...?" she muttered to herself, slowly treading a path in the pure white expanse. It took nearly 30 minutes of straight walking to come across anything of note. But, what she did find, however, made her jaw drop. It was a bar. The very same bar she met Marine in. And the very same bar she became the captain's friend. She quickly dashed to the door, hungry for answers.

Why is this here? Where is everyone? What even is this place?! Rushia pondered, all of these questions danced through her mind, almost as if tiny voices were yelling at her in her mind. Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore. She burst open the door, and gasped.

"What... the... hell...?"

Behind a glass screen was a certain red-haired captain with a large pirate hat and singular eyepatch, tied to a cross as three bird-like winged Malice savagely tore her apart. Rushia watched in absolute despair. She quickly used her necromantic magic to see if Marine was part of the living or dead. Upon confirmation that she was still with the living, Rushia went up to the glass barrier.

"M-Marine-chan!" she yelled, attempting to get the girl's attention. She didn't say a word. Rushia repeated, this time even more frantic. She didn't say a word. The necromancer grimaced and balled her right hand into a fist.

"What the hell is this?!" she screamed, small beads of tears forming in her eyes, "What's going on?! I don't understand!"

She punched the glass barrier. It didn't break. She grunted in pain upon the glass not breaking and balled her left into a fist, promptly sending a jab at the glass. Just like last time, she merely recoiled in pain. As she attempted to do this, the winged Malice were finally able to tear off an arm, causing Marine to wail as blood sprayed the area. Rushia gazed at this, her pupils shrinking and her hands covering her mouth.

"STOP!" she demanded, her anger rising and her tears getting larger as this carnage went on, "Stop doing this to Marine! She's never done anything wrong! Please, stop this!"

The monsters didn't relent, fighting for the now torn off arm. Accidentally tearing it into thirds, the bird-like winged Malice each took a small piece of the captain's arm, wolfing it down without even chewing. This was the thing that caused Rushia to look away, causing her to throw up in a mixture of dread, bewilderment, and repulse. Wiping her mouth with her sleeve and managing to look back up, she found Marine coughing up a hunk of blood. She couldn't take this any more. She began to bang on the glass repeatedly as long sobs came from her eyes and fell down to the ground like rain.

It was to no avail, as the moment Rushia began doing this, the winged bird-like Malice swooped down towards her head and clawed at her neck, tearing off her head. Rushia stopped dead in her tracks. Her sobs stopped and tears stopped rolling down her cheeks. Her jaw gaped open as she witnessed the captain's body go slump as the bird-like winged Malice picked at her head. Suddenly, the glass barrier faded away allowing Rushia to enter. She ran up to Marine's head and picked it up, tearing up as she looked into the captain's lifeless eyes.

"You..." she growled at the monsters that took her love's life, looking down, "You goddamn monsters!"

She quickly turned and created a nail-like shadowy weapon using her necromantic magic and thrusted it towards one of the beasts, creating a large hole in the Malice's stomach. Jumping over and ripping the shadow weapon out of the bird's corpse, she then hurled the weapon at a second Malice. The third reacted quickly to this and attempted to grab at Rushia's head. The necromancer merely sidestepped and grabbed the bird. She pinned it down onto the ground and began punching it repeatedly, blood splattering onto her face. Her punches became less and less powerful, and she eventually pulled her red hands away from the creature. She rose from the pool of blood she was resting in and stumbled to Marine's head. She dropped to her knees and held the head in her arms. Her soft sobs echoed throughout the odd place she had found herself in, while recollections of the times she had spent with the captain echoed throughout her mind. The good times, the bad times, the laughs, the fights, everything came rushing back to her like a flood tearing through her brain. She cried out in desperation.

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