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Norman watched as Sammy quickly and easily carried the projector back up to the booth. "All the more reasons," Wally said. He didn't seem to be in any hurry to catch up with Sammy. "Huh?" Norman asked, looking at him. "You need a big strong man, dont'cha Norman?" Wally asked, smirking at him. Norman blushed. "I regret telling you I'm bi," He muttered, looking away. "Oooh, it's true. You and Sammy would be nice together," Shawn chimed in, surveying Norman. "S-shut up," Norman said, blushing even more. "It doesn't matter anyways, he likes Susie," He said, walking ahead. "You heard him earlier," Wally said. Norman stopped. "He's all skittish around her, I think she scares him or something," Wally said, crossing his arms but still smiling. "Impossible! Susie's nice. And Sammy's super tough and skeet, how could Susie 'scare' him?" Shawn said. "Who knows, rumor has it she's been talking to Joey," Norman said, continuing walking. Shawn nodded thoughtfully. "He doesn't like Joey much," He stated, following Norman. "Nobody 'likes Joey much''" Norman said, climbing the stairs. "Pfft- fair enough," Shawn said, following him up.

Sammy watched quietly as Susie swiftly put in the code to his sanctuary and entered. "What.. The.. f-," He muttered, but stopped as Norman appeared next to him. "Why is your sanctuary open?" He asked, looking down. "Susie just freaking opened it," Sammy said. Norman was silent. Then he picked up a nearby Gent pipe and left. "Woah, woah, woah," Sammy said, turning around; Shawn looked back. "What is he doing with that Gent pipe?" He asked. "If I know one thing about Norman, it's that you don't trust him with weapons. Where is he going?" Wally asked. "Uhh... Susie got into my sanctuary," Sammy said, blankly. "Oh sh*t," Shawn said. He made a cross motion over his body. "R.I.P Susie Campell," He said softly. Wally laughed, quickly covering his mouth. "Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing-" He said. "Are you kidding?" Sammy said, smirking. "This is Susie Campell we're talking about, get the bourbon-'' He said. The others laughed. Suddenly there were footsteps and a fairly loud clang. "OW! WHAT THE FU- NORMAN!?" A female voice screamed. "Get out of Sammy's freaking sanctuary," Norman said darkly. Wally and Shawn burst out laughing, Sammy eventually joining in. "And if you dare tell Joey..." Norman gave her a grim look. "Y-yep..." Susie said, turning around and running right out of the music department. Norman watched her until she was gone, then looked up at Sammy with an innocent smile. "O-Oh my god-" Wally said, gasping for air. "Wow, Norman, that was amazing," He said, still laughing. Norman shrugged. "It was trespassing," He said, smirking. "When did you get so cool!?" Sammy exclaimed. He was also laughing. Norman thought about it. "I dunno," He said. "It just happened overnight," Shawn said, who thought his comment was really funny and continued laughing even harder.

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