Joey Drew

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"Saaaaaammmy," A voice called from the hall. Sammy looked up, recognizing Norman's voice. "Mhm?" He said, dipping the quill he was holding into inkwell on his desk. "It's 12, lunch break," Norman said from outside the room. Sammy looked at the clock on his wall. He was right. "Mmk, just a sec-" Sammy started to say, before his door was slammed open. He cringed as it swung back and hit the wall with a loud bang. "Normannnnnn my door," Sammy muttered. "Sammy. C'mere. It's lunch break you stupid workholic," Norman said, pulling Sammy's left arm. "OK, ok-" Sammy said, putting the quill down and getting up. "Don't want you to break anything else in here," He muttered as Norman dragged him out of the room, and over to the break room. Jack and Wally were already waiting for them. "Mornin' Sam," Wally greeted him, cheerfully. "Mornin'" Sammy mumbled as he sat down. Norman coughed awkwardly. "Wh-? Oh! Sorry- morning, Norman," Wally said, grinning awkwardly. "Good morning to you too, Franks," Norman said in a sarcastic voice, smirking. "I forgot my coffee in my office," Sammy said, suddenly standing up. "Ok," Wally said, calmly. "I'll come with you," Norman said. "Norman, I'm not a child," Sammy said, rolling his eyes. "...Fine," Norman muttered, sitting back down. "You two are almost un-separable" Jack stated, unpeeling an orange. "I guess," Norman said. Wally was about to say something when Norman cut him off, "So how's work going?" He asked. "Eh, same old, same old," Wally responded. "Joey said he's gonna take away from my pay," Jack muttered. "What!? Why?" Norman exclaimed. "Well half the songs don't even have lyrics, he says I shouldn't be paid for work I don't do," Jack said. "That's stupid," Norman stated. Wally nodded in agreement. Sammy appeared behind Norman. "'Back," He said, dryly. "Joey said he's gonna take away from Jack's pay," Wally stated, looking up at Sammy. "...What?" "He wants to take away from Jack's pay, he doesn't think he deserves it," Wally said again. "That's what I thought," Sammy said, quietly. He set the mug he was holding down, and turned around. "Where are you going?" Norman asked. "I'm just gonna run an errand real quick," Sammy responded. "On break?" Wally asked. "I'll be quick," Sammy said, then left. Norman turned to the others. "Shawn's not here, so I'll do it for him," Wally said. Then made a cross-motion over his body, whispering, "R.I.P Joey Drew." The others stifled back laughter. "Amen," Norman choked out. "Amen," Jack said, laughing.

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