Susie Campell

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Sammy stepped into the studio, his eyes quickly adjusting to the bright light. "Morning, Sammy," Henry Stein greeted him, smiling. "Why does Joey want us to get here so early?" Sammy muttered. Henry shrugged, "Who knows. But hey, he's our boss, so-" Sammy rolled his eyes. "You're starting to sound like Wally, 'but hey, he rights the checks' jeez, Henry," Henry laughed. "Yeah, fair enough. I've known Joey for a while though, whatever it is, it must be worth it," He said, picking up a stack of papers. "Well, I'll leave you to whatever you're doing, I need to make sure Wally still has his keys," Sammy said. "Ok, see you later, Sammy," Henry said, smiling. "See ya," Sammy responded, stepping down the stairs. He walked in silence until he heard a loud crash. Coming from the music department. He sighed, preparing for what was about to happen. He entered the music department. Norman and Wally were both standing towards the middle. Norman held two projectors. Wally held one. Another one was on the floor. "This is why I can't trust you with my projectors! Wally, come on, you move stuff around all the time and yet you're still clumsy," Norman was saying. Sammy smirked. Seeing Wally get chewed out by someone other than him and Joey was entertaining. "And yeah, I know you're not perfect, but come on- morning Sammy! - you can't just go around breaking stuff!" Norman continued, stopping for a second. Sammy stifled a laugh. "Norman, you're the only one in this hell hole that has an OK sense of humor," He said. Norman looked up. "Hey! What about me!?" Wally exclaimed. "At least he actually tries," Norman said, looking back at Wally. "Yeah, that's the point," Sammy said, then leaned down to be at Wally level (short stack-). "You try too hard," He said, menacingly. Wally stepped back a few feet, silently. "Samuel. Don't menace your co-workers," Norman stated, firmly. "Oh come on, it was a joke," Wally shook his head. "You try too hard," He said. Wally backed up, putting his hands up. "Samuel. Do not menace your co-workers," Norman said, firmly. "Eh, you're no fun," Sammy said, straightening, "And besides.... It was just a joke."

Sammy continued into the projector booth, Norman and Wally following. Sammy looked down. The band was setting up for today's session. Susie was there. Why was Susie there? She was fired a week ago and replaced by Allison Pendle. Sammy backed away from the ledge. Even if he and Susie had a good relationship, he still felt uneasy about her being here. "I heard Susie's been seein' Mr. Drew," Wally said, reading Sammy's expression. "Yeah... I heard," He muttered. Norman sat down at the projector and started fiddling with it.

"Mr. Polk!" Susie exclaimed, walking up to the ledge and looking up at him, smiling. "Good morning, Susie, what brings you into the music department?" Norman said, smiling lightly. "Oh, Mr. Drew wanted me to do some errands for him," Susie said, still smiling. "So he's got her doing errands for him? But we have Buddy for that.." Wally muttered. Sammy looked at him. "I dunno, if I didn't know better, I'd say he's insane. Drew I mean," He said, quietly. Wally studied Sammy. Pressed up against the wall, talking quietly. "Why are you avoiding Susie?" He asked. "Tch... I dunno... She might be mad at me for replacing her with Mrs. Pendle," He said, looking away. "But it was Joey..." Wally said, tilting his head. "You know Susie! She doesn't get all the information and.. Y'know," Sammy responded. Norman cursed quietly as multiple gears fell out of an open hatch in the projector. Wally heard a hiss above. "Uh oh.." He said, looking up. Sammy just rolled his eyes as a stream of ink splashed onto their heads. Norman wiped his eyes, coughing. "Oh, my! Are you guys ok?" Susie asked from down below. "Fine," Norman muttered, annoyed. "I'm gonna go get a new projector, this one's beyond repair," He said, getting up. "I'll come," Wally chimed in. "Sure," Norman said, already walking away. "Wait! Let me come," Sammy said, running after them not wanting to be left with Susie. Norman and Wally walked briskly, but Sammy caught up to them quickly. "What's up with you?" Norman asked, not even looking over. Wally stayed quiet, knowing that the question wasn't meant for him. Sammy shrugged. "Susie just gives me a weird feeling. Even if I'm wrong, I'm keeping my distance.." He said. They reached the closet and Norman reached for the knob, turning it, but finding it was locked. Norman looked up, staring at Wally. "Franks," He said in a menacing voice. "Hey, hey, hey, I have a busy schedule! I can't unlock every closet in the studio every morning," He said, backing away. "You used that excuse yesterday," Norman muttered. "Hey! Come on, buddy! I'm your pal, s-spare me!" Wally exclaimed, backing up farther. Sammy just watched them silently. "Franks. Give me the keys," Norman said. "Y-Yep," Wally said, searching his pockets. Norman certainly didn't used to be this scary. Must be a side-effect of the ink flooding, Sammy thought. The ink had really weird side-effects, so he wouldn't be surprised if it had affected Norman. As Norman unlocked the closet, Wally turned to Sammy. "Hey, you ok? You look like ya took a bath in ink," He said, looking Sammy up and down. "I'm fine," He said, "We should probably wash off soon though." Wally nodded as Norman appeared next to him holding a new projector. "Where's Jack?" He asked. "Mood swings-" Wally stated, blankly. "Probably in his 'office'," Sammy said, shrugging. Norman nodded. "Shawn said he'd stop by today!" Wally said, happily. "Nooooo- last time he 'stopped by'-" Sammy said, making air quotes, "-He trashed the place, he broke my pool table," He said, crossing his arms. "Too late, I already invited him," Wally said, grinning. Sammy face palmed. "Another exciting day at the studio," Norman stated, already walking back. "Like everyday," Sammy said, rolling his eyes and following him. "You guys need to lighten up!" Wally said, catching up with them. "Wally. You're covered head to toe in ink. Cold. Dark. Ink," Sammy said. "..Yeah... But.. C'mon, look on the bright side!" Wally said, his smile faltering slightly. "I don't wanna pay for another pool table.." Sammy muttered. Wally laughed, realizing Sammy was joking a bit. "Heya!" Said a familiar voice. Sammy looked up. "Shawn!" Wally said, cheerfully. "Hey, Shawn," Sammy said, blankly. "Need some help with that projector?" Shawn asked, pointing to Norman. "Shawn. You work with plushies," Sammy stated, "I don't think you could help Norman with a heavy projector." Shawn was about to say something, but didn't. "Fair enough. How 'bout you do it, tough guy?" He said. "Witty as usual, Flynn," Sammy said. But walked over to Norman and picked up the projector. "Wh-" Norman started. "Shut it, Polk. I'm doing you a favor," Sammy snapped. 

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