Chapter 6 | perfection is so quick to bore

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A few days later // 12:34 pm

"Albedo..." Y/n sighed, stirring the soup made for the blonde headed boy, it sat lonesome on a tray sitting on Y/n's lap.

He refused to eat that day, it was difficult for him to eat when his illness grew stronger.

"Come on, please..." she whispered to him.

Albedo only turned away, the hospital bed shifting beneath his weight, not that he weighed much now that he hadn't eaten for two days.

With very little effort, his collarbones poked out, even the extra fat on his fingers slimmed down, leaving pale flesh and bones.

Though he was only a slim bit thinner, Y/n found it easy to indicate his differences in appearance.

Albedo barely spoke to the nurses, he kept quiet and glared at his own shoes as they questioned him.

Y/n was informed about his behaviour, Albedo discovering that she'd found out about the information, refused to speak back in conversation with the girl.

He knew she was mad at him for it, leaving him ashamed of his actions.

"You don't have to talk to me... but please, eat"

With their conversation left in shambles, Y/n continued her own lunch roaming around the hospital, marking each of the nearest vending machines she could snack from.

As she neared the entrance, a familiar voice argued with the lady at the front desk.

"I know, I'm just here to visit my students- well... student who's watching over another- but please-"

"Mrs. Jean?" Y/n spoke up as she walked over and the two had quit their small quarrel.

"How is he..?" Jean questioned as they sat in the cafeteria of the hospital, Y/n responded with a mere laugh.

"You expect me to know? He hasn't spoken to me in two days..." she scoffed lightly, arms crossed over her stomach.

The professor frowned at her.

Although Y/n never cared for interaction with many, Jean knew the girl she was seeing had not been the same person she spoke to just a little while ago.

"I'm sorry.. I don't mean to be rude, it's just- he won't eat.. I try to talk to him but he hardly wants to listen" she sighed, Jean could see her eyes fog up with tears, poor girl was getting through college with issues like these.

"Hey... its okay! He'll be fine I'm sure of it!" Jean encouraged her, taking her hand as comfort.

With delicacy, Jean rubbed circles over the flat space on her thumb, smiling sweetly at the stressed girl.

"I just don't know what to do" Y/n's voice broke into tears and Jean stood up from her seat, never letting go of her hand.

She sat on the arm of the chair, now holding
Y/n in a tender embrace, Jean brushing strands of her hair, placed a gentle peck on the top of her head, something motherly she learned from Lisa, her loving wife who had been a kindergarten teacher before getting a new job as a high school librarian.

Even the small kiss left Y/n melting in her grasp, it's been a while since she's gained some love from a mother figure.

Little did the two know, just a few feet away was Albedo, listening to the scene unfold from behind their table booth.

He grimaced at Y/n's tears, he never wanted to make her cry.

Not again.
"So Albedo was the crybaby, huh? Never could've guessed" Jean chuckled as she listened to Y/n calmly tell her tales of the childhood she held so dearly to her.

Dear Albedo - Albedo x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now