Chapter 2 | that was until you came along

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One and a half weeks later // 9:25 pm

It's been about a week since Albedo and Y/n reunited and the two grew closer, as if they were kids again.

Albedo tried hooking Y/n up with a few of his acquaintances after telling her 'she seemed lonely' but she kindly declined, telling him she liked having herself as company instead of others.

"Sucrose is kinda cute, Kaeya too" Y/n mentioned, trying to find Albedo his own lover but he scoffed lightly at the idea.

"I like it by myself" he said, turning his head away to his bookcase.

"Fine then, might as well try charming Sucrose myself" Y/n huffed with a small smirk, winking at Albedo as he glared daggers back at her.

They were in his apartment studying for exams and hanging out, both covered in paper and books.

Fortunately, they'd been comfortable around one another enough to wear comfy clothes.

Y/n had worn her Pjs to his apartment, while Albedo had only worn pyjama pants and a large hoodie.

"Man, we should just take a break" Y/n sighed, staring up at his ceiling fan.

She watched the panels spin endlessly, it made her feel a bit dizzy but she didn't mind the pain.

"Yeah.. I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, kay?" Albedo notified, standing up.

He pulled his hair out of the low ponytail it'd been in for the past few hours and brushed through the knots softly, his migraine refrained as he did.

Albedo closed the door to his bathroom, making sure to lock it just in case Y/n had walked in unintentionally.

With a sigh, his hands gripped onto the sides of the sink tightly, Clasping onto it as if he'd been hanging on for dear life.

Finally, he took the recommended pills from his doctor from his sink cabinet, placing it beneath his tongue.

There was a bitter, foul tang that lingered in the area of the drug and soon Albedo cringed at the chemical tasting pill and ducked his head into the sink, drinking the tap water in attempts to wash it away from his taste buds.

The pill disintegrated in his throat with the water and he let out a sigh, turning the running water off before his bill got too much to afford.

His body shivered beneath the polyester fabric of his hoodie and his breath hitched in a cold sweat.

Albedo couldn't focus straight, his mind drifting further and further away from his person.

"Albedo!" Y/n's voice called.

He looked to the door in shock with himself and his surroundings.

What had he been doing there again?

What did he need to do in the bathroom?

"Hey kitten, it'd be really hot if you'd hurry up, daddy needs to shit" Y/n said in a smug voice,
knocking on the door a few times.

Albedo let out a sigh in relief, huffing softly.

Thankfully Y/n had caught him before his breath became too irregular to follow.

"Hey, yeah sorry.. I'm here" Albedo noted.

Y/n stared at him oddly.

Dear Albedo - Albedo x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now