Chapter 8 | our flaws are who we really are

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Later that same Valentine's Day // 11:23 am

It was getting late and Albedo decided on painting to pass his time.

Klee had left just after dinner, leaving Y/n and Albedo to occupy themselves with anything entertaining.

Albedo attempted to teach Y/n how to play piano but backfired when it turned out very embarrassing for the both of them.

He couldn't focus when his job was to navigate her hands and fingers to where they needed to be, with his hands on hers, he couldn't help but look away.

Y/n eventually got the hang of it but forgot how to play not even a few hours after, her mind pinpointed her eyes to Albedo's hands, now the only image in her head was his skin against hers.

Y/n paced around the room restlessly.

She can't stand it being so quiet, she couldn't stand the boredom that followed her around the room either..

With a quick glance, Y/n stared over to Albedo.

He sat on a wooden stool, painting on a large canvas in the corner of the room by his bed.

"You bored?" He questioned, his brows furrowing with frustration as his hands shook tremendously from his illness.

"Exceedingly..." she laughed, crossing her arms to her stomach.

Y/n examined his fragile arms tremor as he continued to make marvellous art fit for a museum.

Not only his art but he himself had his own charms.

Albedo was attractive, she knew already.

But with the moon shining behind him, it made him look far more mesmerizing than how he usually did.

The moon did its best to make sure Albedo glowed in Y/n's eyes, it made sure she would never forget the alluring image before her.

His hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, strands straying from the band.

She hadn't realized just how much she was staring until they locked eyes.

Albedo smiled at her and she followed suit before slowly roaming over to his side, once again, they made contact, only articles of clothing keeping their skin from making brief contact.

"You like it?" Albedo asked anxiously, he paused for a minute to let her see the full canvas, he waited for her answer.

Soon Y/n's restless fidgeting passed onto him and he gripped onto his knee to keep his leg from bouncing.

Y/n studied the painting, Albedo following her gaze, a bead of sweat dripping from his cheek.

"That's.. me?" She asked, pointing to a lone figure sitting on a bench, her back facing their way.

Albedo nodded and she continued scrutinizing the art.

It was a stone bridge, realizing that the small bridge was one close by the hospital, the sky was a dark navy, moon clear and high and there were speckles of white surrounding the blue areas.

"Stars, Y/n, those are stars" Albedo implied, he noticed her eyes darting to each individual freckle as her arms began unfolding.

"So that's what they look like..."

Albedo sighed, resting his head against her arm.

A small gesture, but a comforting one.

Y/n wrapped the arm around his head leaving it to lay on his opposite shoulder just by the crook of his neck and Albedo relocated his head to her waist.

They didn't budge from their positions, just stayed still, staring deeply into the painting.

"You.. wanna see the stars?" Albedo slurred, his delivery breaking beneath his breath.

Y/n frowned at this.

She nodded softly and Albedo stood up.

His feet staggered across the room to a small projector, Y/n had seen the projector just previously but didn't ask what it was for.

"Close- close your eyes please" Albedo whispered, Y/n did as she was told, arms crossed.

She could feel her lips turn up into a smile, whatever play he was making, he sure made a lot of noise closing the curtains.

She listened to him blow out a candle before instructed to open her eyes.

It was darker in the room, almost pitch black.

Y/n followed Albedo as he led her to the hospital bed, standing next to it as she sat back on his pillow comfortably.

She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Albedo interrupted her words with a click of a button on a small remote.

The projector turned on and it shined bright galaxies into the room, leaving a blue, purple and even a red hue on the ceiling all around.

Y/n's eyes widened, her mouth still agape, fascinated with the colours.

Albedo smiled as the star filled room now reflected off of her eyes, sneaking into the covers with her, leaving just enough space between them.

Y/n stayed silent, watching as the formations moved over her head, twinkling brightly.

Her head began to ache, there were so many colours she could spout to Albedo about but the words were far from her vocabulary at the moment.

She was speechless.

"It's not usually this magical looking really, outside it's actually just pitch black with pockets of light all around" Albedo chuckled softly, pulling her closer to his side.

Y/n laid back with him, eyes remaining on the ceiling.

"It's fine.. I love it" she whispered, her head resting over his heart.

She listened to it pound against his skin, letting her know he was still alive.

"You see that? That's an Ursa Major" Albedo pointed at a connecting branch of stars and
Y/n lined her sight with his and smiled.

"Is that what you were trying to show me before?"

He chuckled at her remark and began coughing with a rasp.

It hurt him, each burning hack he let out, so he stopped, he went silent from the pain.

"You shouldn't overexert yourself if it hurts..." Y/n sighed, her hands clutching onto his hospital gown.

His chest heaved as he breathed through his nose, Y/n's heart ached at the silence, growing to hate it more and more.

It killed her, how stiff the atmosphere felt without Albedo's laughter.

It killed her over and over again.

Like she was stuck in a limitless void, similar to the one Albedo had too felt like there was no  escape, never a way out.

They were stuck in separated vacuums, fated to never meet, Y/n thought so at least.

She felt as if she was meant to be pulled apart from Albedo, like every hurdle and obstacle she came across to get to Albedo was a sign she should give up.

"Please don't leave me Y/n"

Dear Albedo - Albedo x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now