chapter 2 - where it all began

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Crimson sat with her leg shaking, perched in her usual spot with her dorm companions at the far end of the Slytherin table. Usually she was invested in the spindles of lies that escaped her friend's lips but this time, her mind was far too preoccupied. There were only 33 minutes and 52 seconds until she had her first, and probably last, tutoring with Tom. Yes she counted and yes the excitement had dissipated and the terror had taken over. She stared out ahead of her, desperate to ensure she didn't look at him as she was certain he would notice even the smallest of glances and call her out on it later. However, it was imperative that she knew what he was wearing, how he had styled his hair and how good looking he was today because there was no denying that he was the hottest guy to attend Hogwarts and even if you weren't obsessed with him, which was rare, being in his presence for a mere 5 seconds was utterly overwhelming. She pondered about how she'd look at him and decided that she would speak to Theo, who is always sat across and two seats to the left of him.

She rose slowly trying to calm her legs that were shaking more than Longbottom's were when he almost fell off the astronomy tower and confidently-ish strolled to the opposite end of the Slytherin table. She knew that Theo would call her over so she kept her eyeline at the doors ahead, until she hurt the unrecognisable cat whistle of fuck boy Theodore Nott and turned to flash him a smile.

"Now that was completely unnecessary." She laughed, and walking over to the group of boys who were now gawking at her.

"How so? You look simply wonderful baby."

She scowled at him "You call me that again and I may have to AK you."

His eyes widened, half as a joke and half with worry as he knew that if she was ever threatened she had the capability to hurt and kill the intimidator. No one knew of her abilities besides Theo, Dippet and her parents because despite being a 16 year old, misbehaved school girl - she was one of, if the not the most powerful witch in the world and that secret needed to be protected.

"Now, now my dear Crimson, no need to go batshit crazy on me."

"No need to call me baby."

"Touché." He smirked "Where's my girl headed?"

"Oh Mr Nott, are you fishing for trouble or have you been rejected again?" Her comment had caused the other boys to burst out into laughter until the bang of a fist on the table caused everyone to shut up and flinch. Crimson raised her eyes to be met with the firm scowl of Tom, causing her heart to miss a few beats. She looked around nervously before smiling politely at the group and kissing Theo on his head. "I'll see you later." She almost whispered and speed walked out of the great hall. As she left, she could hear the booming and angry voice of Riddle:

"Oh how you all disappoint me - laughing at a stupid comment-" she did not hear the rest but now she was trembling more than before...had she just pissed him off? Instead of letting herself spiral, she carried herself to her dorm to change her robes and make herself seem more presentable. Although only glancing at Tom for a split second, she had noticed how well presented he looked and how in comparison, she didn't look presentable at all. He had some form of casual attire underneath his robes - as uniform was mandatory at evening meals, however that meant he could easily slip out of them into something less formal for their tutoring session.

She scrounged her wardrobe, fishing for anything that could possible please Tom, which she did presume was nothing. She chose a crimson jumper with a black pleated skirt, paring them with her black, red soled stilettos. She chose not to change her hair or makeup because that would seem 'too desperate' and plus, she always looked perfect. She twirled in the mirror, checking that her skirt was an appropriate length for a steamy-, I mean, for a serious study session.

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