chapter 14 - mad woman

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A/n it will make sense, trust me.
Warning: Mature Content!!


Crimson's eyes fluttered open and she felt her head wobble in its position as the splitting headache overtook her senses. She was aching everywhere. Her blurred vision cleared and she looked around the room, at least she was in her own.

She tried to sit up but could not support herself and fell back onto her soft and fluffy pillows. With a groan she patted around for her wand, spinning it in her fingers so it was facing her and muttering a few charms to relieve the pain that was attacking her muscles and joints. She found the willpower to move and rolled herself off the bed and staggered towards the chair, gripping on any furniture she could. She looked around again.

Dress - on the floor.

Heels - none existent.

Underwear - on the floor.

Bra - none existent.

Where the fuck was everything?

Too early to start questioning things she shuffled to the mirror, only to find herself falling to the ground and landing on her dress with a thud. She peeled herself from the floor and gazed at her legs with disappointment, why aren't you working?

'Fuck- good girl, say that again.'

Uhm what?

Great, so her legs weren't working, she's sick and now she's hearing voices.

When she glanced in the mirror, she gasped. Yes her hair was a mess, yes she looked tired but she was glowing. She must be going mad.

After casting a few healing charms, she headed out for breakfast and to catch up on the night the girls' had.

𓆙 𓆙 𓆙

Tom strolled casually into the common room, perching on his favourite couch.

"Good morning." Theo smirked as he hopped on the seat opposite.

Tom nodded in acknowledgment and went back to studying the book in his hand.

"It seems as though you enjoyed yourself last night." Theo announced causing Tom to snap his book shut.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh I think you do, I thought the master of sex would know how to use a simple silencing charm."

Tom was unsure whether he was dead or alive at this point, how could he be so foolish?

"You know how to be quiet now."

"Theodore, use your words wisely. I wouldn't want to have to break your jaw."

Theo laughed a little "did you have fun with her?"

"It was a mistake."

"A fine mistake, indeed. Did she make you feel equally as good?"

"She didn't-"

"Don't tell me. Do not tell me that the Tom Marvolo Riddle did something for a girl without getting something in return."

Tom remained quiet yet again, contemplating on how to hurt Theo.

"Enough of this topic."

"I'm not finished, why were you carrying her out of your room?"

"Why were you watching?"

"I got some action myself and I was heading back but hearing Crimson moan your name was enough to intrigue me. Now answer my question."

"She was tired."

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