chapter 10 - wake the dead

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"Tom? What are you doing?"

With a firm grip on his wand, he turned on his heels and pressed it into the neck of the imposter.

"Crimson?" He almost choked on the air, releasing the wand from her neck "why are you here?"

"Why is the sink open?"

Tom stepped in front of her to block her view "its not."

"Tom Riddle, I am not a fucking idiot, I can see clearly. There's a tunnel in the bathroom, how?"

Tom sighed and raised his wand to her head "Oblivi-"

Before he could finish his memory erasing charm, she cut him off "Expelliarmus!" Disarming him and causing his wand to propel across the bathroom. She stands as tall as she can and gestures her wand to the sink "what in Merlin's name is this?"

He laughed at her, attempting to be intimidating but she maintained her stance, although surely dying on the inside.

"Did they ever tell you that curiosity killed the cat?" He spat, taking a step closer - Crimson retreating a step back.

"Is that your way of saying you're going to kill me, Riddle?" She tilted her head in an an idiosyncratic way - catching Tom off guard momentarily.

He takes another step "maybe I will, maybe I won't."

"Well if its a yes, then get on with it - you're boring me."

He scoffed, moving forward, yet again and if Crimson wasn't scared before, she surely was now as their proximity was unbearably close. He raised his wand and curled it around a strand of her hair "you're too valuable although I would get much satisfaction from killing you."

"Why would I be valuable?" She asked, very innocently.

"I have so many plans for you, darling."

She looked up into his eyes, taking in every intricate detail she could see on his face - knowing that she'd probably never be this close to him again. "C-can I go?"

"You know too much, we'll have to decide what to do with you."


He nodded "mhmm." He took out his wand and swished it "we better be going, don't want to be late."

"Late for wh-" before she could finish her sentence he had closed the sink and was dragging her towards the nearest exit with the sign 'Forbidden Forest'.

"No, no, no, no Tom I'm sorry. You can obliviate me. Don't kill me- oh shit, oh shit, oh shit-"

He shakes her body aggressively "Will you close that filthy mouth of yours before someone hears us."

"Uh, don't you think that's the point?" She opened her mouth to let out a huge scream but he covered it with his hand.

"We'll have none of that here little girl, save the screaming for the bedroom."

Her eyes widened and she started to thrash her body around as he dragged her deeper into the Forbidden Forest, but his lethal hands were no match for her and she eventually gave up. They had been stumbling in silence for around 7 minutes when they came across an opening. She looked up and saw a circular cut out in the trees, allowing for the only patch of light to come through. Tom stood them in the centre of 'circle', as if they were waiting for something.

Crimson's gasp broke the silence as she stared at the sky in awe as funnels of thick black smoke plummeted into view, coursing through the trees and landing with a thud around them. The smoke disappeared and 6 cloaked figures appeared, dress like death himself. An iridescent white mask was covering their face, while leather gloves hid their skin colour - this was well and truly thought out...and that's when Crimson started to panic.

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