Call me by your name

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y'all i'm sorry- i had to.

this song is just amazing and lil nas x did well with this one.

i saw an edit of five with this song and i KID. YOU. NOT. I. DID. FLIPS.

the person's @ on tik tok is ( com.numberfive )

y'all get ready this one bout to be real intense and it kind of fits with the song.


y/n was helping five with the probability map to save the world from the apocolypse.

five was visibly frustrated and y/n just minded her own buisness.

the silence was killing her. "how is it going over there?" she turns around to five and gets up.

she walks over and looks over his shoulder.

"i'm trying to concerntrate so could you not breath in my ear y/n?" he scoffs.

y/n flicks his ear with her finger. "shut up." she blankly says.

five rolls his eyes. "so you gonna answer the question i asked?" she says with sass filling her tone.

five ignores her. y/n gets annoyed and grabs the chalk from his hand.

"hey asshole, i'm talking to you."

five turns around with a furious look. "could you not do that?" he exhales heavily holding in his rage.

y/n stays silent. "you know what." five begins to tackle y/n to get the chalk back.

y/n puts her leg round his leg to stop him from moving.

they stare into each others eyes. y/n had a proud look whilst five was one string away from snapping.

"is little fivey to weak to get the chalk?" y/n taunts with a baby-mimicking voice.

this sends five over the edge.

he pushes her and pins her down to his bed. he hovers over her.

a slight look of fear flashed across y/n's eyes.

five grabs the chalk from her hand whilst still pinning her down.

"don't you dare do that again. you hear me?" five says through his teeth staring down at y/n.

y/n smirks. "no promises."

five scrunches his face up and leans down to her ear. y/n slightly squirmed.

"listen to me y/n. you will do what i tell you too or things won't look to pretty for you."

y/n becomes more scared. five brings his head up and looks in her eyes.

"understand?" he finishes. y/n gulps quietly. "yes." she says in defeat.

a voice comes from five's door. "uhm.. what's going on?"

y/n and five turn their heads. "jesus luther." they say in unison.

five quickly gets off of y/n and she stands up. she brushes herself down.

five coughs awkwardly, hiding the fact that he enjoyed it ;)

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