Chapter 6

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♬  Carousel by Melanie Martinez

♬  Medicine by The 1975 ♬ 



        IT WAS MY third day in the hospital when I was informed I could finally leave the following day. I wanted out and I wanted out fast, but I had already tried to push the limits many times, all failing quite miserably. 

        The doctor came in early that morning, looking satisfied that I appeared well enough. He did the routine doctors do, then sat in the chair beside my bed. He waved away the nurse, causing her to frown and me to become confused.

        "Now, I don't want you to think I was snooping through your files," started Miles, "but a patient's records is the most important thing to me. Especially a case where it looks as if they've starved themselves." He leveled his eyes at me, almost accusingly.

        "I didn't try to starve myself," I muttered under my breath. 

        "Whether you tried or not, you did. And that's extremely dangerous." He flipped a page on his clipboard. "I had a trustworthy friend see if there was anything to be worried about from your previous cases and such."

        I wanted to curl into a ball and die right then. Of course he would have checked my records. I purposely tried to avoid hospitals specifically for that reason. I didn't want people to know what I was then, didn't want them to know I was close to being as crazy as they get. I didn't want to be told I needed medication, didn't want to be told it was dangerous for me to be by myself.

        I sighed, running my IV-stuck hand through my hair. "Look, Doctor Miles, that stuff was a long time ago..."

        He gave me a kind smile. "Sixteen isn't far off twenty-one, Harry. No matter how long ago it feels, it's a close gap. I don't want to make you feel bad or anything, but you can't get rid of that kind of stuff so quickly. More so when you haven't had any treatment for it."

         "I've had medication for it all before. It made me feel weird."

        Miles smirked this time. "That's what they all say. And truthfully, it means it's working."

        "I don't think so," I said quite seriously, shaking my head. "One of them gave me the shakes and the other made me really nauseous."

          "Well, then it's a good thing I have a record of which ones those were so I can give you different ones."

        "I'm really okay."

        "Denial is the first sign of a problem."

        I glared at him.

        He laughed. "Your vital signs and CK levels and all look much better. I'll sign your discharge papers tomorrow and you're free to go. With a lot of prescriptions, of course."

        I wanted to feel embarrassed at how weak I was being portrayed, but the genuine smile he gave me made it hard to do so. I knew a lot of people suffered with similar things, but I didn't want to be one of them. I couldn't be one of them. I had a busy life. I didn't have time for mental crap to slow me down.

        The nurse, Daisy, came in after him when he asked her to take my lunch request. I didn't want to think about food, but I knew they wouldn't let me go until I ate solids and didn't rely on the IV. Not to mention the hospital food was utter garbage, but hey, at least the jello is good.

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